
  1. Matthew Black

    Is the term "50 Ft obstacle" just a average?

    So basically,, where did we get the 50 Ft term from? Are most trees by runway's approximately 50 Ft? Or is there something deeper I'm missing?
  2. ArrowFlyer86

    Wind turbine farms with blinking lights

    A Wall Street Journal article on this discusses measures that are being considered in some places to get rid of the blinking red lights on top of wind farms. Might be paywalled, but you can probably google the article and open it (WSJ: "Lawmakers Crack Down on Wind Turbine Lights That Flash All...
  3. J

    Departure Procedure Questions KGRF

    First being that I'm new to this site I would like to thank everyone that participates in this forum. Being new to aviation it's nice to find these forums in order to try and help everyone become safer and more experienced. Being new to this forum I'm unable to attach any documents. The...