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  1. A

    Thumbs-up to Garmin

    In a previous post I asked if it was worth repairing my Garmin GPS 12 so I could use it in an aircraft cockpit. It had been a "faithful companion" to the panel-mounted Garmin 75 on many a boating trip, but had sat on a shelf with no batteries in it for several years. It apparently had either a...
  2. A

    Repeated requests to log in

    I have just started using the forum and find that I am repeatedly asked to log in during a given session. For instance, yesterday I spent some time viewing messages then tried to reply to one. When I selected the submit button I was asked to log in again. Today, I was able to view some messages...
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    Garmin GPS 12 - Worth repairing?

    I have a Garmin GPS 12 which I used as a backup on our boats. I have started flying and thought it might be a good last-ditch device before activating the dreaded 4Cs. I planned to store waypoints for the area airports, and with a typical first-fix of under a minute, could get some useful backup...