Search results

  1. N5571Q

    AN-225 in Charlotte - what a Monster!

    I drove to KCLT today to mail something and saw this beast on the ramp. Hope I can watch it take off.
  2. N5571Q

    P51 Cockpit 360

    This is pretty cool ...
  3. N5571Q

    Opinions requested on PS Engineering Intercoms

    I am thinking about having a panel mount intercom installed. This is the one I like the looks of: It appeals to be because of it's lack of squelch controls and special design to deal with noise. My old Mooney isn't all that much more noisy than...
  4. N5571Q

    USA Today hit piece on GA

    I hate to drive any additional readership to this useless rag, but I think pilots should let them know what a crock this story is:
  5. N5571Q

    Free: C172 and Sundowner POH

    I have a Pilot's Information Manual for a Beechcraft C23 Sundowner and one for a 1981 Cessna 172P Skyhawk that need new homes. I will mail them free to the first needy pilots that reply to this thread with the notice that they have PM'ed me their mailing address. I haven't used them in years...