Search results

  1. S

    Rent a plane on Maui or Big Island?

    Did the 172 out of Maui... which was Great. Want better... get some instruction in ultralight in Hana... Google Hana Hang Glide Maui. That was epic. Bring your logbook.
  2. S

    Help needed for flight log- Flying meets IT support

    Here is the situation, I use my personal plane for business travel. I am an owner/pilot. For the past several years I have been pushing 200-250 hours per year. After several years, I stopped tracking my hours as it seemed to not really provide any benefit and the software cluge broke...
  3. S

    Android Aviation Apps?

    Best Phone- Droid X (car mount is now yoke mounted to my bird)-- with audio input to PS8000B. Used for inflight music and aviation specific apps like audio checklist (see below) 1. Car Dock Software (not the one that comes with your phone). Search for IG 88 Car Dock Home V3 - 3.35 - that baby...