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  1. T

    Have you telephoned you local tower for?

    It is a class D airspace, the Balloon was outside of the class D. I was not flying yesterday. However it's good to know, I'd doubt the ATC would have seen it as it was not that large. However the balloon was not far from a marked tower within 100 feet so I would imagine most pilots would be...
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    Have you telephoned you local tower for?

    So today on my way to work I noticed a car dealership had lots of balloons and so on up for advertisements. However, I noticed they had one very large (weather balloon size) Balloon about 300 feet in the air. This balloon is about 6 miles out from the airport if anyone was flying a long left...
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    What is the most weight you have ever hauled in a 172?

    You really notice DA at altitude. This summer I flew from KWYS to KBZN. .Temp at 6600ft was 28 C.. I think DA was 9500 ft.. I used as much of 8400ft runway as I could in the empty other than myself and fuel. At 75kts IAS I was at 150 FPM for altitude gain
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    Pilot - Social Experiment

    Oh, I agree with a mature approach.. I was kidding about a form letter :-p
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    Pilot - Social Experiment

    Wow, surprisingly similar! I was only joking :-p
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    Good News!

    Not at all! I am working on my a third college degree I am not sure why.. My wife's job covers our expenses so I picked up a job working for a flight school building their computer system for trade for flight training. Arn't computers wonderful!
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    Pilot - Social Experiment

    As far as the stigma is concerned. I met my wife on a very small dating sight that was set up for people who attended the college we went to. Oddly one of the dates I went on, I did not recognize the woman in her pictures nor her I. We set up a date at a public meeting site. Turned out that she...
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    Good News!

    I finally found a way to afford to pay for additional training beyond my PPL-ASEL It looks like I'll be able to go all the way to Multi Engine CFI! Yahoo!
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    A Follow Up to a flight

    Well, the Terrier did fine! She hopped in the back, was leached in laid down and went to sleep.. The Dachshund hopped in the back laid down trying to hide behind the Terrier and shook in fear for the first 30 minutes after each take off and then again during decent for landing. The wife...
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    A Follow Up to a flight

    About a month ago I first posted a few questions about flight following, Denver airspace, and meat bomb dogs. Well this last weekend was my trip. What a learning experience beyond what flight school could have taught me. The trip was filed for a 0630 departure. I was woken at 0400 by one of...
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    New Here

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    Another fan of Foreflight

    I'm for it! Ha! Anyway, this weekend I'll have x-wing on my iPhone and fore flight on my iPad and give the two a test.. Although, I already know which one I'll like better.
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    Long Time Reader First Time Poster

    Just a quick update! I took the dogs out to the hanger this weekend. I doubled their leash back from their harnesses to a seat belt. Giving them enough room to go from the seat to the floor but not under the front seats. Thanks for the suggestions! I feel the same about harnesses and leads...
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    Long Time Reader First Time Poster

    They're actually great dogs about the barking oddly enough. They only bark when a strange dog enters the front yard OR a new person is in the house. And even then its 2 or 3 barks then quiet. Meat missiles, I honestly hope they don't turn into that! It sounds unpleasant! Funny enough, I...
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    Long Time Reader First Time Poster

    Mini Dachshund and a some sort of Yorkie Terrier mix... I dunno.. They're my wife's 'childern'
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    Long Time Reader First Time Poster

    Great advice.. they already have harnesses so securing them to the back should not be difficult!
  17. T

    Long Time Reader First Time Poster

    The standard traffic and anticipated approach is wonderful to know! My initial plan was VFR from over Huges Stadium (CSU's stadium) southbound on the BJC 351 Radial to keep clear of FCO skirting to the east of LMO and between BDU and EIK. If thats the highway to the danger zone :-P I'll stick a...
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    Long Time Reader First Time Poster

    Wow, the comments are wonderful and insightful! Thank you very much. I will be flying from KBZN to KBJC. The radios in this particular aircraft are a bit older and without that wonderful flip flop ability. Therefore, I've already made a kneeboard spreadsheet with the freqs needed. Having...
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    Long Time Reader First Time Poster

    Hello All! So finally I feel as if I have a subject that can extract the infinite knowledge that is possessed on this forum. In two weeks I have my first (What I'm calling BIG) cross country. During flight training and since I received my PPL-SEL I've flown not much further than 65nm from my...