I think this is a very nice read...

Thanks for sharing. I love AirFacts. Lots of good stuff on there.
That was a good read. However, flying is easy. If he is giving the impression to his friends that it is difficult, he is doing a disservice to GA.
great read! I always tell people who ask, the physical flying isn't hard, its understand all the variables and putting it all together with all the rules thats the complicated part
I always tell people there's only two things that are hard to learn about flying: reading the sectional, as it has a lot more stuff on it than a roadmap, and learning to land. The rest is pretty easy.

Although it's interesting to get the thoughts of a non-pilot, too. Took my brother to ride (actually, picked him up at the commercial field an hours drive away; managed some flight seeing and were still home in less time) about three weeks after finishing my insurance dual in the Mooney, still with less than 100 hours. He's pretty funny talking about taxiing out between airliners and talking Greek on the radio . . . A flight in IMC might just blow his mind. Maybe I need to call him up?
Please expound

On which part? That we're not special and flying is dirt simple, or that convincing people it is hart, we are special and elite, and they'll never understand is bad for getting more people to try it?
Good read, I've had those types of passengers before. One of the most rewarding things to me about flying is being able to share my experience with others by taking them up on what I would call "routine" flights.

And for sure, it beats driving.
The funny thing is, understanding how all this stuff works and why, then applying it and seeing the results of my applied knowledge play out in a real world situation with real consequences is part of the fun to me.

Is that weird?
On which part? That we're not special and flying is dirt simple, or that convincing people it is hart, we are special and elite, and they'll never understand is bad for getting more people to try it?

I think getting your ppl is an accomplishment and I think getting your ifr ticket is an accomplishment, and every rating after that.

We may not be special, but I think you do have to have a certain level of dedication and drive to accomplish flying. Then staying current after you get a rating and continuing to learn. You have to exercise good judgement while making decisions that could affect whether you live or die. Man vs weather, ATC, other pilots in the air, etc. I think it is a challenge to be a safe competent pilot, and I enjoy getting more proficient.

Maybe I watch too many AOPA safety institute videos, but I think you do need to acquire a level of competency to be a good safe pilot.