Recent content by wings210

  1. W

    Mounting iPad in a C172

  2. W

    iPAD MOUNTS and ATP checkride

    <<I don't like 1 or 2 as when the yoke moves, I sort of have to twist my head if I'm in need of info, although in reality I want until I'm back in S&L to gather info. >> I do the iPad Yoke Mounts (aka "this guy"). Tell me a little more. Most pilots don't have any problem with yoke movement...
  3. W

    Strange Howl in the rain...

    Perfectly normal. It's the wing struts. Never heard of any adverse effects. They've done it forever. It always brings a smile to hear a pilot discover it anew.
  4. W

    Yoke / Dash / iPad Mini Mount for C172

    " I am one of the two pilot/builders of ipadyokemounts. I think you'd all be surprised if you had one in your hand and thought about what has to go into them. I'd like to point out there are lots of opinions expressed in this thread but not one of you has tried one. They're not cheap, they are...
  5. W

    Registration Problems forum

    Posting for access, please.