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      You mention a Navy PCS to Virginia in the near future. Where about? I work in a shop in Tappahannock (XSA) and we are willing to work...
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      Tom J replied to the thread How should I do schooling?.
      I stand corrected, thanks for the information. That is a good change to the program, and the caveats to it actually make some sense.
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      Tom J replied to the thread How should I do schooling?.
      You will need to have your PPC before using GI Bill benefits, but absolutely use it to get your ratings and a degree.
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      Tom J replied to the thread Autopilot Problem.
      Aerocruze 100 has pitot-static inputs on the back of the controller, not a separate transducer.
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      Tom J replied to the thread Aspen 1000 Pro or Dual G5s.
      Aspen can currently support GFC600, and they are working toward GFC500, if Garmin will ever cooperate with anybody else. Trio and Aspen...
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      Tom J replied to the thread Paint.
      If your paint shop of choice can't put it in spray cans, a system like this works well...
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      Tom J replied to the thread 530 repair.
      Avidyne is a slide in for the 530W. There are a couple changes to go from non WAAS to a 540/550- or even 530 to 530W. And the IFDs...
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      Tom J replied to the thread New Pilot Looking for a Headset.
      Crazedpilot.com sells an inexpensive ANR, that I'm told has good comfort and protection. Less than $200.
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      You could, but it would be a bit of a SWAG. Install manual calls for leveling to set tilt. If you have access to a set of jacks and the...
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      Christopher, First thing would be to ensure the panel tilt is set properly. You'll have to get the plane jacked and leveled to a...
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