Recent content by Tex_Mike

  1. T

    Flight of Passage - book

    Did you guys see the short film based on this book? I gave a few bucks to their go fund me cash grab and received a link. The film was neat but short. I think they were hoping to get the movie picked up by a studio so that they would make it a feature film.
  2. T

    San Antonio

    Stinson has what looks to be a cool museum adjacent to the field. Never went in but looked interesting. My first "long" trip from Houston was into Stinson. The runway has a hump in the middle. I was not prepared for the hump and as I approached it I thought I was at the end of the runway. I...
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    A few weeks ago I was on a WebEx when one of the participants was having a hard time sharing a document. So being the nice guy that I am I shared the document for him. About 20 minutes go by and I am getting bored with the conversation. So what do I do? I launch into a PoA session. I'm cruising...
  4. T

    Testing Headsets

    Yeah- I have a couple I haven't used in a while and seem to recall some problems with the volume on one side. I wanted to check them out at home where I can tinker around with them.
  5. T

    Testing Headsets

    Any recommendations on how to test a headset without being in an airplane?
  6. T

    Any ideas on what to do with old airplanes?

    I know of a Tricpacer that has been sitting in a hangar for about15 years. It gets started up every month or two and gets it's annual when do. I have often wondered if it was good to fly or if parts of the plane are slowly rotting
  7. T

    Next word that comes to mind...

    Sky (need my five letters)
  8. T

    Military Blimp Breaks Mooring in Maryland

    That restricted area is to keep you from seeing the real truth behind the Marfa lights!
  9. T

    Military Blimp Breaks Mooring in Maryland

    Were you coming across the border, or should I not ask?
  10. T

    Military Blimp Breaks Mooring in Maryland

    Here is a pic I took last month in Marfa Texas. Marfa is in the Big Bend area of Texas right along the border with Mexico. There is a whole lot of nothing out there which is why I like it so much.
  11. T

    Military Blimp Breaks Mooring in Maryland

    Well- were you ever shot at?
  12. T

    Houston Area Pilots...WTH?

    Been to your place once (and have the coffee cup to prove it!) and loved it. So did my wife. One of the great things about your place is that it is not a chain hotel. You nailed your assessment about the aviation theme. I thought it was cool and my wife just loved the delivered breakfast. We...
  13. T

    Next word that comes to mind...

  14. T

    Popping the clutch to start a jet

    Now that I would like to see. If anyone could pull it off it would be Yeager.
  15. T

    The fastest taildragger?

    The pic in the wiki article of the plane rotating looks awesome. Apparently the plane had a tail gun. Don't know if the gun was a remote or if someone sat back there but if someone was in the tail during that takeoff it must have been one heck of a