Recent content by Skysailor

  1. S

    Google Earth

    Seriously cool. I've lately been playing around with Google Maps; found my house with the satellite view. I only get freaked out when looking at water; from the air in an airplane or a satellite image still gives me a fright. Google is really coming up with great products and services; things...
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    Harold Johnson I found out about this fellow earlier tonight, on another forum. Wow! Aerobatics in Ford Tri-Motor! It's disapponting that he's no longer known as well as he once was. I'm especially interested in his...
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    14 year old steals Cessna

    Several years ago, I worked at a flying club which left the keys, with tags on them featuring the corresponding N #'s, in an outer office, which was unlocked becuase no one even bothered to put new glass in the broken window for the longest time. Also... The people at the Ops Desk right by our...
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    Yep. It's a bad site, but the idea's good. I have my own flying blog, but not via that site. I only shared the link b/c it may be worth keeping an eye on, if any users there there takes it seriously one day... :rolleyes:
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    Found this recently while Googling something... There's not a lot of activity, but it's got potential. Just wanted to pass along the link.
  8. S

    Knowns; what exactly are they?

    Thank yeh, everybody! :) Now I am in the know about knowns. There's a tongue-twister... :)
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    Knowns; what exactly are they?

    Could someone please explain what a Known Sequence is, to me? I'd see these diagrams in Sport Aerobtics magazine from EAA back when I was able to afford a subscription. I just don't understand the term.
  10. S

    Rolling Loop

    I've read that the Rolling Loop is one of the most dangerous and difficult maneuvers in aerobatics. How true is that? I can imagine that it's challening... A perfect coordination of three axis' of movement... I'd love to see it one day at an airshow... How likely am I to see a performer pull it...