Recent content by Sky-Pidgeon

  1. Sky-Pidgeon


    i mean a forward slip to lose altitude - . Not to crab the airplane. THanks for the help - its interesting to get different opinions. I felt like that particular instructor occasionally would say bull-****.
  2. Sky-Pidgeon


    When getting my private certificate i had several different instructors.. who had different opinions. One of the things we talked about were slips in the pattern. One of my instructors said never, ever make a slip while turning base or turning in general. According to him X controlled during a...
  3. Sky-Pidgeon

    My first Solo

    I had this exact same feeling -- right at crosswind i realized holy cow im on my own!
  4. Sky-Pidgeon

    My first Solo

    LOL. Haha this cracked me up. This reminds me of the movie airplane after he landed.
  5. Sky-Pidgeon

    My first Solo

    I feel so bad about not answering for a week or two, ive had a few things going on. It went great!! When I first posted I was a day away from doing my first traffic pattern solo. I did 4 of them - one more than required because the conditions were awesome. Pretty much no wind.. couldnt of...
  6. Sky-Pidgeon

    My first Solo

    I have my first solo flight on Saturday.. any advice?
  7. Sky-Pidgeon

    My checkride is this Saturday!!

    Congrats dude! I have my first solo on saturday.. your story is putting me at ease. Have fun with your new license!
  8. Sky-Pidgeon

    Density Altitude??

    Hi! I'm a pilot in training - and new to the forum. What is the point of calculating density altitude over pressure altitude? Its not like were going to change our altimeter setting? Why do we do this?