Recent content by Punzomatic

  1. P

    Negative ANN article about Cirrus

    Too bad it's over. I was hoping for at least a modicum of public embarrassment for Campbell as he would have undoubtedly attempted to play lawyer while being questioned by Mr. Johnson. Obviously, Judge Skinner wasn't as amused as we were during these proceedings. My bet is that he'll still...
  2. P

    ANN Daily Podcast- Gone? Hey, Paul?

    Paul - Sorry to see the exit ... you do outstanding work! If you're open to do some regional TV voice overs, give me a shout @ 515 577 1744 Joe Pundzak
  3. P

    Negative ANN article about Cirrus

    As one who has been Zoomed, I can state just how valuable Ron's write-up was to me at the time and can certainly understand the rush to review it by a few members of the Cirrus owner's organization. Ron, I'm not sure what prompted you to create that guide, but I do believe its put quite a...
  4. P

    Old photos of C-119s

    I remember them as leaky, drafty and cold; and a real bear to wrestle on one engine. As little as a cocktail glass of ice could cause you to start looking for a way out. Granted, they are neat to look at, but that's where the fun ends. Lots of 119 wrecks in Alaska.
  5. P

    Negative ANN article about Cirrus

    JAL Human Resource official: One more thing Mr. Campbell ... I need to copy your Pilot Certificate for our files. Captain Zoom: Ah, you see ... I don't have it with me right now, so I'll have to show it to you later. JAL: Oh? Captain Zoom: Well, I lost it at gunpoint while I was being robbed...
  6. P

    Negative ANN article about Cirrus

    Just a quick thought about things financial in the land of Zoom ... anyone else notice the public plea for "donations" for his "legal defense fund"? This guy is incredible. Just when I think he's exposed himself to the extent that escape is seemingly impossible, he fires up another smokescreen...
  7. P

    Negative ANN article about Cirrus

    The next chapter involves a sheriffs deputy, adhesive tape and a friendly man with a bolt-cutter. Amen. I really would give it up to be a witness to that!
  8. P

    Negative ANN article about Cirrus

    I don't know which of Zoomy's recent missives made me groan more ... his seemingly endless laments over the loss of his beloved ex who obviously did not share his affections, or this current misadventure with Cirrus. As much as I hate to admit, I continue to subscribe to ANN only out of...