Recent content by MrGumpo

  1. M

    Solo cross country - surprisingly dull

    I just got back from my second XC solo. 2.8 hours, Sn63 -> KAVK -> KANY -> Sn63 Time sure flies when you're flying, I had plenty to do even though the radio was quiet like only western Kansas and Oklahoma can be. I will say this, GPS is the best thing to happen to avaition since the...
  2. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Second solo today, did 5 T&G's after three with my CFI to make sure I wasn't rusty after two weeks. He said they were all about as smooth as could be. Winds were about 12 from 150, gusts to 20, I used runway 17. The last couple of lessons I've gained a lot of confidence in my ability to feel...
  3. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    First solo this morning! 8:50 AM, my CFI got out and told me to do three full stop landings. 8mph crosswind 90 degrees off the runway, other than that a perfect morning to fly! I'm back so I had ' good' landings, and the airplane is useable again, so they were all great. :D Best...
  4. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Passed my medical today, the weather here sucks. It's been about ten days since we had a good flying day and it looks to be a few more before the weather clears.
  5. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Good luck Jeff. I'm learning to fly from a guy that's 70+, been instructing longer than my 35 years on the Earth. Flying off a grass strip and learning to do it barefoot, zero traffic. He likes to turn the radio onto KC center just to hear someone other than me when we're flying. :D My work...
  6. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Flew three days ago, had some sloppy crosswind landings. Flew today and have some real nice landings. Did a little hood time and a simulated engine failure at 500 AGL just before I started my downwind to base turn. (I was flying the altitude I was told to fly.) I made that one stick, it...
  7. M

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    I've got about 9 hours in the air. Been on the ground for two weeks due to 8 inches of snow on the grass strip I'm training off of, plus my CFI went on a cruise with his wife. He should be back in a couple days.
  8. M

    Why do people buy junk Aircraft

    Not my first post ever, just my first post here. ;)
  9. M

    Why do people buy junk Aircraft

    I gotta call BS on this one.
  10. M

    Started my journey!

    I'm 35, live in South central Kansas. I am learning to fly off a grass strip (SN63) in a 150H from a guy that has about 7,000 hours of flying and he's had his CFI since 1970 or so. I don't think I could ask for a better instructor. I've got about nine hours in my book and I think...