Recent content by maduro

  1. maduro

    GoPro Hero 5 Session on my Bose sound (Solution Found)

    SOLUTION FOUND: Ok, after rootin around in google, the problem has been isolated to the USB C extension I used from the Gropro Audio adapter to the Gopro 5 Session camera (its the grey and black twist pattern cable in the picture). I noticed that I got sound on the video if I directly connect...
  2. maduro

    GoPro Hero 5 Session on my Bose sound (Solution Found)

    I have mounted a GoPro session 5 on my A10 with the Gopro audio adaptor but I am not getting any sound on my video recordings. I purchased the Nflight audio cable that is supposedly work with Gopro 5 to infinity....but its not working. I really like the session 5 smaller form factor and hence...
  3. maduro

    SoCal shop to fix communications issue between GNS530W and GNS430W

    Figured out the problem after calling Garmin support. The 530 cross-fill setting was set to manual instead of auto. When the 530 firmware was updated to match the 430, that setting was missed. Took a month to figure this out. AUX ---> Flight Plan ---> Cross Fill ....set it to AUTO on both...
  4. maduro

    SoCal shop to fix communications issue between GNS530W and GNS430W

    Can someone recommend a good Socal avionics shop that can fix the communications issue between my 530 and 430? I had flitestream installed but when I a push the flightpath from Foreflight it only goes to the 430. The shop that installed the flitestream can't figure it out. Thanx.
  5. maduro

    Flightstream Flightplan not pushing from GNS430W to GNS530W

    The flight stream 210 is connected to the GNS430W but when I push my Foreflight flightpath, the GNS430W receives it but the GNS530W does not. The installer is saying that it is because the Nav data versions are at different versions on the GNS430W and the GNS530W. Can someone confirm that...
  6. maduro

    Aero Commander twins pros/cons

    There is an Aero Commander for sale $35,000 at Corona, California. Its on facebook marketplace. Its say no logs/paperwork.
  7. maduro

    My Arrow's instrument panel light don't work

    Its a 73 Arrow ll. Where are the transistors? Thank you.
  8. maduro

    My Arrow's instrument panel light don't work

    My instrument panel illumination lights never worked since I bought my arrow a year ago. I am now trying to sort it out. I've replaced all the old incandescent bulbs with red LED bulbs to no avail. None of the light bulb illuminate when I turn it on. I am now thinking the wiring is messed...
  9. maduro

    What to use to clean my oily belly?? lol

    WD40? Dawn? What other grease cleaner? Thanx.
  10. maduro

    Online Group Airplane Scheduling with IOS & Android access

    Guys, I am looking into what the best tool would be for airplane scheduling for a flying group with multiple airplanes. I am looking for something with online web access as well as IOS and Android app support. Which one(s) have you guys had good experience with? Thanx.
  11. maduro

    Is it possible to manually trip the flush circuit breakers?

    I had electric trim installed on my yoke and I want to be able to turn it off incase of a runaway.
  12. maduro

    Is it possible to manually trip the flush circuit breakers?

    Yea.... I did it to get your attention!! lol
  13. maduro

    Is it possible to manually trip the flush circuit breakers?

    Is it possible to manually trip the flush circuit breakers? The mushroom head ones you can pull but how do you manually trip the flush mount breakers? Thanx.
  14. maduro

    Piper Arrow Panel Lights Changeout PA28R

    Hey mandm.....thanx for the detailed instructions and the great photos. This is the first time I've seen photos of the light bulb locations. All the youtube videos just talk about it with out actually showing the bulbs and their locations. I just bought my arrow and about to do the LED...
  15. maduro

    Commercial Aviation Insurance rate for rental business

    How about the number of planes and the number of pilots???