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    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Ok Mr dpe so your saying despite the fact I have well over 10 hours TAA and simulated instrument# that now I need to do another 10 hours...
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Your projecting. Stop it. I did the 300nm yesterday. Alone. You don't comprehend thr difference between someone writing things...
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Apparently that flight with your son doesn't count But just count it anyway. It's not like this can be checked. And to redo a 300nm...
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Regulitis absolutely defines me person perfectly
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Im reading into it because I want to he as precise as possible. As clear as the FAA thinks they are when writing the regs, they most...
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Ok so at my flight school, pretty much everyone is a student pilot and only a few are in for instrument training. Practically no one is...
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Ok. So one of my instructors today said that for the 10 hours of simulated instrument required for commercial 61.129(a)(3)(i) , that my...
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Ok I usually comprehend best from examples, detailed examples. If someone here got a PPL and then the IR, and proceeded to get the...
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      Ok so what about the 20 hours training in which 10 hours is instrument? You skipped that part? And what about 10 hours TAA/Complex? Did...
    • I
      ImABird replied to the thread Commercial Confusion.
      I hope everyone realizes I was being sarcastic and sort of eliciting this response
    • I
      Hi. So I'm basically done with instrument training, but checkride is 38 days away. In the meantime, I want to start commercial, but...
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