Recent content by glydrflyr

  1. G

    Spinning Cherokee 140 vs 161

    The original Cherokee series, with the "Hershey bar" wing, was designed, in large part, by Fred Weick who also designed the non-stallable, non-spinnable Ercoupe. These airplanes were very, very difficult to stall, and would just kind of bobble around when stalls were attempted. I could never...
  2. G

    YOUR favorite song?

    "Cherish" "My beautiful balloon"
  3. G

    Thoughts on straight tail Cessna 172

    For another grand, you can get a whole 172 to yourself. This ad appeared in my local newspaper "1967 Cessna 172 12HR since OH, new shaft, 2 yr. paint, new 720 com, rec. annual $20 K hangared" This was followed by another ad "J-# Cub rec. rebuild, new engine $18K" Anybody want me to go check...
  4. G

    Lets make Friday 'Joke Day'!

    An old airplane driver retires to a spread in Florida with some fruit trees and a small pond. Every afternoon, he picks some fruit and sits by the pond enjoying his snack. One day, he hears some giggling and laughing from the pond and finds a bunch of coeds skinny dipping in it. Of course...
  5. G

    AOPA Renewal??

    Been a member since 1964 and will renew again. Just remember the parents mantra when faced with another disaster from your children; "This too shall pass". This is not Craig Fullers' organization, it is ours, and he is our employee. As I see it, he is not up to the job, and definitely not up...
  6. G

    100 Ways to Die

    If you don't get caught, ain't no regs agin it!!!!
  7. G

    All landings at San Diego one November afternoon...

    All those big, tough jets getting chased by a itty bitty prop plane. Love it.
  8. G

    I drive an old car so I can fly an old airplane.

    I agree with the guys touting Ford Crown Vickies, especialy the Police Interceptor versions. They usually even have the spotlight left on the drivers windshield post. Actually any of big Ford cars, like a Mercury Grand Marquis of a Lincoln Town car would be in your budget range, and they last...
  9. G

    I hate when this happens...

    We get the nose wheel after we make the next payment