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    • FlyBoyAndy
      FlyBoyAndy replied to the thread 1993 Socata Trinidad TB-20.
      Can you tell me what your last few annuals ran you? I'm putting together ballpark costs for the other members. Thanks
    • FlyBoyAndy
      FlyBoyAndy replied to the thread 1993 Socata Trinidad TB-20.
      I'm aware of the parts of the insurance (have a good understanding in general and owned an aircraft for a long time). Unfortunately the...
    • FlyBoyAndy
      FlyBoyAndy replied to the thread 1993 Socata Trinidad TB-20.
      For those of you that said you drive one of these. What are you paying annually for insurance? My quote was quite high based on the 3...
    • FlyBoyAndy
      FlyBoyAndy replied to the thread 1993 Socata Trinidad TB-20.
      There is a mechanic that I currently go to that has worked on the plane for years. The avionics are old and in our case would need to be...
    • FlyBoyAndy
      I'm looking for some feedback from Socata Trinidad TB-20 pilots or mechanics. Looking for any information about performance, insurance...
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