Recent content by federico

  1. federico


    yea :D hope i'll have more to post to help out others too :) ebay is an option i'm looking at. but it's not always cheaper than other online stores.. unfortunately apple is freaking expensive in italy but it's kind of worth it. i always hope for amazon for their warrancy policy but we'll see...
  2. federico


    i can't come over to US due to green card.. for now plan is TR in europe and then make some experience in asia on whichever airline. but what you said is interesting :) i'll ask around thanks and thank everyone for the advices
  3. federico


    Hi everyone i've got a frozen ATPL license and will start working asap. i belive on an a320. i still need to do the TR so i'm looking for a tablet i can use to study and later on to work. i've read that iOS (apple) is a better option than android (samsung etc.) do you guys confirm? i guess...