Recent content by Dave Blackmon

  1. Dave Blackmon

    Trimming trees... from an a/c

    Expensive way to trim trees... " Helimatic was founded with the belief that the idea of man climbing with chain saws to the top of trees in order to trim back branches is inherently dangerous and unnecessarily risky." What a crock, this is the same thing my wife says about "little planes" but...
  2. Dave Blackmon

    F260 down

    BD-5J microjet down Air show pilot dies in crash By Record Searchlight June 27, 2006 Pilot Chuck Lischer, a Redding Air Show regular, was killed Tuesday when his single-seat plane crashed near Ocean City, Md. Lischer, 61, of Cameron Park, was scheduled return to Redding to fly his F260...
  3. Dave Blackmon

    Fighter Jocks 0 CIA/Computer Nerds 1?

    Cobra attack helicopter (AH-1)
  4. Dave Blackmon

    Severe storm watch most of CA

    Snow is just starting to stick here at the 850 foot level of Shasta county. The problem with snow in this area is that live oaks and gray pines tend to snap with the extra weight. 20 minutes up the road you get into the yellow pine and red fir that are better adapted to snow.
  5. Dave Blackmon

    P-38 performance

    P-38's are for C-rations...I used to be able to open a 3lb can of Folgers faster than my wife could with a twist type opener...but Folgers is now in plastic...:-( :(:dunno::cheerswine: Cheers... Man, I'm seein' double...rub, rub, rub,...thats better. What's an "Automerged Doublepost?" I...
  6. Dave Blackmon

    Plane Down KRDD

    ******************************************************************************** ** Report created 8/15/2005 Record 10 ** ******************************************************************************** IDENTIFICATION Regis#: 43PP Make/Model: EXP...
  7. Dave Blackmon

    Plane Down KRDD

    Small plane radios tower reports "losing a part" and having engine trouble 10 miles south of RDD, offered Lake California as the closest airport, opted for a "long runway" at RDD, cleared for straight in 34...appears he realized he would be short and tried for a strawberry field a mile to the...
  8. Dave Blackmon

    Pilot stuff leaking into other aspects of life

    adamboycharlesdavidedwardfrankgeorgehenryidakinglincolnmikenora oceanpaulqueenrobertsamtomuuuuvvvvvwilliamxrayyellowzebra or something like that...
  9. Dave Blackmon

    From the Can't Make This Up department ...

    There was the time that I submitted a Uniform Request for Reimbursement with a receipt from the White's Boot Company, a department analyst wrote back that I was not authorized to wear "white" boots, they had to be black or brown…:dunno: Having fun in California, Dave
  10. Dave Blackmon

    Shuffling off to... Vancouver just have to stay at the Wickininnish Inn!
  11. Dave Blackmon

    Paper Airplanes

    Looks like a Shockwave program and doesn't like my version of Netscape though it works fine in IE. FWIW, Dave
  12. Dave Blackmon

    MN deputy hit by truck

    rrata Law or no law, I think this is a good practice to follow given it can be done safely. You see it everyday where something is happening on the shoulder and some idiot whizzes right by with a clear lane to the left...not that I advocate "nanny laws" which are typically unenforcable in a...
  13. Dave Blackmon

    Brown Recluce Spider

    Had a female wolf spider bigger than a silver dollar one night, whacked it and 50 million little ones took off in all directions...guess they carry there young on their backs. Close proximity to the garage allowed for immediate duct tape access and I was able to rustle up most of them...
  14. Dave Blackmon

    Brown Recluce Spider

    They were saying the same in '76 when I did BCT at Fort Lost-in-the-Woods, Misery.
  15. Dave Blackmon

    ATC User Fees

    Re: I wonder... Well, I guess that would be a detail to work out...could be a use based pro-rate of fuel tax monies paying a share of fixed costs... --I have never heard Dogbert use this line! :goofy: