Did anyone know group that was on their way sunday?


Line Up and Wait
Jan 20, 2010
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The four who were killed just after take off on their way to Gaston's last Sunday. Very sad!!
Do you have any links? I think all blue and purple boarders are accounted for.
When we were launching around 10:30 a 206 with six aboard landed and went into brunch. I can't help but wonder if those were the friends being met. A sad occurrence. My condolences.
Maybe because I kept a list of attendees, actual and planned, of the fly-in participants?

I feel confident that if these individuals were traveling for the purpose of attending the fly-in at least one other attendee would be aware of their impending arrival. To date none of the known participants have claimed knowledge of that. The fly-in is open to anyone, but most of those who do participate are not local to the area (i.e., are from out of state).

Many planes arrive at Gaston's during the 3-1/2 days of this event that are not part of the event as the resort is a popular destination for local aviators. The Sunday brunch, which is open to the public, is the main draw. Certainly there is a possibility these individuals were headed to Gaston's to be a part of the fly-in, but I would find it curious that their arrival time would coincide with the departure of the majority of the known participants.

To attempt to associate this accident with this fly-in is akin to implying any plane incident occurring during the last week in July is related to Airventure, imho.

And you know that how?
Huh, thats funny because I was on my way and turned around for weather. Did you know I was coming?

I was just concerned that someone here was in a accident or that someones friends were killed. Sorry if that bothers you!
Everyone makes assumptions.

Huh, thats funny because I was on my way and turned around for weather. Did you know I was coming?

I was just concerned that someone here was in a accident or that someones friends were killed. Sorry if that bothers you!
Wow this thread turned hostile and defensive for no real reason.

could not agree more

I don't know if it upset him that I mentioned the wreck and Gaston's together or what. I honestly was just concerned about those who lost their lives and their friends and family. It happened the same weekend as the fly in so just a concern.
I don't know for sure, but let me make an assumption. Steve assumed since you placed it in the " Annual Gaston's Fly-in" thread you meant they were part of our bunch. And since Steve and all of the rest of us are very proud of our record of no accidents at the Annual Gaston's Fly-in. Steve might of been a little defensive about your post. My explanation for what it is worth. :wink2:
"To attempt to associate this accident with this fly-in is akin to implying any plane incident occurring during the last week in July is related to Airventure, imho. " - Steve

As far as your reasoning would you say if someone had a wreck on their way to flying into kosh during that week that it may be related. Because these poor folks were on their way to Gaston's.

I have never met you or many on this forum but I wanted to come to meet people. Maybe the pilot like me was not instrument rated and that was the only day they could come. Who knows? That is why I ask the original question.
I don't know for sure, but let me make an assumption. Steve assumed since you placed it in the " Annual Gaston's Fly-in" thread you meant they were part of our bunch. And since Steve and all of the rest of us are very proud of our record of no accidents at the Annual Gaston's Fly-in. Steve might of been a little defensive about your post. My explanation for what it is worth. :wink2:

So if there is any accident at the same time as the fly-in don't ask any questions because it would hurt the reputation of the fly-in.

I placed it in this thread because many people on here were there that weekend. In the newspaper about the accident it said they were going to meet friends at Gaston's.
I am sorry this post got out of hand, Steve is a swell person, and I am sure you are also. I hope cool heads might prevail.....