Did we have an incident free year?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
I haven't heard of any crashes or bad stuff from OSH this year.

Did we do it? Did we actually have the world's largest fly in without any incidents?
well there were a couple ground loops early in the week that i heard about but i didn't hear of any inuries or fatalities at the show.
I think so, I only know about one incident that closed the runway for 5 minutes but that was all.
Up until about 1980 or so that was "typical"

Yes, but were you there for the 1976?? "Great Arrival" after the airshow one day when there were something like 200 aircraft in the pattern at once? The year BEFORE they set up the Ripon transition?

If you get Dave Yeoman's tape of that, listen for the "red and white Cessna taildragger" That would be moi.

Yes, but were you there for the 1976?? "Great Arrival" after the airshow one day when there were something like 200 aircraft in the pattern at once? The year BEFORE they set up the Ripon transition?

If you get Dave Yeoman's tape of that, listen for the "red and white Cessna taildragger" That would be moi.


Dang, Jim -- you remember a time BEFORE the Fisk Approach? Sheesh, you're old... In 1976 I was a senior in high school!


So where do we hear this tape?
Dang, Jim -- you remember a time BEFORE the Fisk Approach? Sheesh, you're old... In 1976 I was a senior in high school!
So where do we hear this tape?

I looked it up. It was 1974. I've got a courtesy copy from Dave around here somewhere...if I can find it, I'll see that you get a listen to it.

Yes, but were you there for the 1976?? "Great Arrival" after the airshow one day when there were something like 200 aircraft in the pattern at once? The year BEFORE they set up the Ripon transition?


A line of aircraft / landing lights that looked like it stretched all the way to lake Michigan.

That is when they started to tell people to land short / fly over land long...

If you get Dave Yeoman's tape of that, listen for the "red and white Cessna taildragger" That would be moi.


Cool. It was something to watch from the ground - must have been real entertaining in the air:yikes:.
That is wild, it's amazing that it sounds like in a matter of a couple of hours a couple controllers came up with the basis for the arrivals we still use. Many of the things they are doing that we consider normal Oshkosh arrival procedures, must have been interesting for unsuspecting pilots at the time. Since there is some first hand experience in this thread, was this the first time arrivals had really backed up like this?
A friend of mine had a gear problem (only one side came up when retracted) while he was leading the Baron contingent of the B2Osh flight a week ago. He diverted to UES (his home base) where he performed a "successful" partial gear up landing with no damage to either prop or engine. That's the only "incident" related to OSH I know of personally. There was also a C177 based at my airport that lost power and crashed into someone's garage on the way home from the show but no one was seriously injured.
A friend of mine had a gear problem (only one side came up when retracted) while he was leading the Baron contingent of the B2Osh flight a week ago. He diverted to UES (his home base) where he performed a "successful" partial gear up landing with no damage to either prop or engine. That's the only "incident" related to OSH I know of personally. There was also a C177 based at my airport that lost power and crashed into someone's garage on the way home from the show but no one was seriously injured.
Wow, good thing I don't know you! Oh, wait...... Dang! Good thing I didn't fly! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Glad there were no injuries!
That is wild, it's amazing that it sounds like in a matter of a couple of hours a couple controllers came up with the basis for the arrivals we still use. Many of the things they are doing that we consider normal Oshkosh arrival procedures, must have been interesting for unsuspecting pilots at the time. Since there is some first hand experience in this thread, was this the first time arrivals had really backed up like this?

As far as I can recall, this was the first time it got that bad, and the first time they tried the "xxx land on the numbers, yyy fly over and land long" kind of thing (and yes, there was no warning for the pilots involved). At the time, I was on the ground and didn't hear any of the stuff from the tower - I just remember the l o n g line of aircraft lined up on final.
that is incredible. i loved the guy talking about how final extended to Michigan.
The OP said that there was a fatal on departure. Only if you consider departure extending to Illinois is this relevant.

Besides this was on a 200 mile APPROACH.


Went back and looked at his post and the word departure just isn't there. My interpretation of his post was that he was asking if there were any incidents related to OSH this year. The link I posted was someone heading to OSH.
Not incident-free - There was a ground-loop of a freshly restored vintage bird :( and a gear collapse on the Sunday before the show, and I saw them scraping an airplane off the runway this past Sunday as well (red, looked like another vintage bird, not sure what happened. It delayed the air show for a while).

However, no fatalities. That's a good year in my book. :yes:
A friend of mine had a gear problem (only one side came up when retracted) while he was leading the Baron contingent of the B2Osh flight a week ago. He diverted to UES (his home base) where he performed a "successful" partial gear up landing with no damage to either prop or engine. That's the only "incident" related to OSH I know of personally. There was also a C177 based at my airport that lost power and crashed into someone's garage on the way home from the show but no one was seriously injured.

I was there! It happened between my preflight and my walk back to the terminal to pick up my CFII. I didn't see or hear it happen, but noticed a crowd outside the FBO. I think I heard the pilot on the CTAF asking for an FBO vehicle BEFORE anyone called crash and rescue. I'm glad he was unhurt and undamaged. We departed on 36, and landed on 28 about 2 hours later with no baron in sight.

Wow. What a cluster-f*ck.

I'm really glad we've now got a well-established OSH arrival procedure. Better yet, amazingly enough, it seems that peer pressure worked, as I did not hear a single instance of anyone not following the NOTAM this year. I think that's a first, for me.

In our pre-flight briefing (for our group fly-up) I did supply a copy of the NOTAM to one participant, but he was already familiar with the procedure. I think our stories about getting charged $500 for not having it on board spooked him!


All in all, gentlemen, this was a VERY good year. The pink shirts at OSH -- and all of us pilots -- did a fine job. Best of all, our diminishing numbers turned out in force, proving to the masses that "we're not dead yet!"...
Wow. What a cluster-f*ck.

Anybody got the URL to the audio file of that idiot last year that stayed on the frequency for about half an hour whining about how he wanted to go to OSH but left the notam at home and would somebody please read it to him ....
