Long(ish)-term plans..


Final Approach
Mar 14, 2005
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Well, I finally got around to filling out the paperwork for officially declaring my double-major here at school. To do so, I had to do some strategic planning for class schedules, etc. from now until graduation.

It appears that I will be able to FINALLY be done with this school stuff (for the time being at least) by December 2009. The funny thing is that I won't have to/be able to take any classes next summer. By that point, all the classes I need to take are upper-tier 400-level classes which are historically not offered in the summer. I am SOOOO sad. ;)

I guess that only leaves one option for next summer -- get my CFI and instruct all summer! :yes: There is a chance that Rachel could be done with school next May, so maybe next summer can be our "one last hoorah" (a la 'Summer of 69') before settling into our respective career lifestyles. It sure is nice to see the light at the end of this looooooong (10 years as of this past May) tunnel.
There is a chance that Rachel could be done with school next May, so maybe next summer can be our "one last hoorah" (a la 'Summer of 69') before settling into our respective career lifestyles. It sure is nice to see the light at the end of this looooooong (10 years as of this past May) tunnel.

Don't think that you'll never get to do that stuff again! I had my "last hoorah" after graduating college - a month in Europe and then a month driving around out west - before I ended up starting my career. And now later this summer I'll be taking two weeks to ride the motorcycle to California and back. Sure, it'd be nicer if I could take a month or two for the trip, but I'll still be able to have fun with it.

But by all means, take advantage of the ability to do things when you can since you don't know when the next time will be! :)
Don't think that you'll never get to do that stuff again! I had my "last hoorah" after graduating college - a month in Europe and then a month driving around out west - before I ended up starting my career. And now later this summer I'll be taking two weeks to ride the motorcycle to California and back. Sure, it'd be nicer if I could take a month or two for the trip, but I'll still be able to have fun with it.

But by all means, take advantage of the ability to do things when you can since you don't know when the next time will be! :)

Oh no... I KNOW we'll still be having fun and taking trips here-and-there once 'settled' but it will be nice to have a full summer of being not-so-tied-down. Especially if I am CFI-ing, if we want to go somewhere for the weekend, I'll just have to make sure and not schedule students for that weekend. :) Much easier than now, where we BOTH have to make sure we can get off from our four jobs (2 each), plus make sure we can skip class if necessary (i.e. no major info being presented or missing an exam, etc.).
Yep! Summer vacations (or times between jobs - I know some folks who have taken advantage of those times) are great for those kinds of things. I like doing longer trips to further off destinations with those times. I would like to go back to Europe for a month or so when I have the time and money.

Actually, what I'd REALLY like to do is fly my own plane over there, but that's another matter.