Calling those in NC, SC, and VA - Come Fly a Controller


Line Up and Wait
Apr 3, 2015
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Calling all NC, SC, and VA pilots,

The Goldsboro Wayne Aviation Association is once again holding their “Fly a Controller” event at the Wayne Executive Jetport, Saturday October 19, 2019.

So what exactly is a “Fly the Controller” event?

Do you know most ATC personnel are not pilots? Nor have they been in a general aviation airplane. The Seymour Johnson Air Force Base controls the airspace in eastern NC and they are a training base for new controllers. Yes, most of the controllers you talk to if you fly in this area are trainee’s. Face it – we were all trainees at one point in our flying career and welcomed learning something new every day.

During this event we’ll pair up a pilot with one of the controllers. We’ll take them on a 45-minute ride to let them see what it’s all about to fly in a GA aircraft. What technology do we have? How busy is our cockpit? Can you really spot a plane at 5 miles crossing your path? Do these controllers really know what we do when we’re flying? What do we “do” for an approach?

While we’re flying with the Controllers their supervisors are running the RAPCON and tower. The controllers get to hear what we hear and we also let them communicate back to their bosses as if they were flying the airplane. Where else can they get this kind of experience? And did the boss do it right?

In years past we have flown over 100 controllers. This event has proven to be quite popular and the controllers have asked again for this opportunity. The Air Force will be doing another story on this event, the local paper will be here, and AOPA is sending a film crew down.

But we can’t do this without pilots. It doesn’t matter what you fly; a Tiger to an RV, a Baron, Cirrus, Archer, Cherokee, 172, 182, Bonanza, Ercoupe, or a tail-dragger; come fly with us. These controllers get so much from this event. Their job is to keep us safe and this experience gives them something they would not otherwise get in their training.

In years past we’ve had a 100% safety record. No close calls, no gear-up’s, and no bent metal. The worst that's happened is when those controllers who ask for “a sporty” flight jump in an RV piloted by an F-15 instructor and do a few aggressive maneuvers. Be careful what you ask for with those guys o_O

Register here => ... =0&c=0&w=1

Location: KGWW

Schedule of Events:
0730 – Breakfast & social time. Pilots paired-up with their controllers
0815 – Safety briefing – Seymour Johnson Air Force
0900 – Pilot and Controller safety briefing / preflight / get ready to go
0930 – The flying starts
1100 – The flying is all complete

A couple other bene’s for the pilots besides having a great time flying the controllers and meeting other pilots: full-serve fuel at self-serve prices and WINGS credit.

Come see us October 19th.
Sounds like a blast, but it's not in my area.

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This is an excellent idea, I only wish it were closer.

Hope y’all have a great time!
Every military base trains new controllers out of school just like every civilian facility. No one shows up to their facility already qualified to work “solo.”

Kudos for introducing GA aviation to them. If they’re trainees, there’s very little in the syllabus whether FAA or military in the way of aerodynamics, instruments, navigation, etc. Same with aircraft ID. Takes operational experience to learn all that over time. Per military reg though, they are allowed fam flights in military aircraft, including fighters. Your older guys at GSB have probably gone up in something military to see how things are done on the other end.
I registered. Sounds like fun.
Especially the ride in an F-15. Just kidding.
Are you inviting controllers from the other bases like Cherry Point MCAS, Pope AFB?
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Your older guys at GSB have probably gone up in something military to see how things are done on the other end.

Never got the chance. Even as a former engine mechanic, I worked on the T-38, F-4, and F-16, I never got a ride. I don't count the transport aircraft that took me to deployments to the nether regions of the world.
Never got the chance. Even as a former engine mechanic, I worked on the T-38, F-4, and F-16, I never got a ride. I don't count the transport aircraft that took me to deployments to the nether regions of the world.

Should’ve tried harder man. I know Kevin got an F-16 ride and my brother went up in a T-37 when he did ATC. Marines weren’t big on rides when I was in but I had friends in the Navy who got ejection seat / swim quals and flew in F-5s and A-4s at Key West. I think it all depends on the facility culture and one’s desire to get a ride.

I don’t count deployment transports either but I’ve done several jump seat rides in C-130s, P-3s, H-53s etc. Even simulators on base allowed us to come over and “fly.” Not discounting the GA intro flights but there are opportunities for controllers to experience the pilot side. Just depends on how aggressive they are in doing it. Most controllers I knew didn’t really care about getting rides though. Plenty got airsick.
Should’ve tried harder man

Never been a "look at me" or a kiss-arse kind of guy and while I despise those who are, they are the ones who got the rides. That's how it worked in my world. I was number one on the list for an F-16 ride just before I cross-trained into ATC.
Never been a "look at me" or a kiss-arse kind of guy and while I despise those who are, they are the ones who got the rides. That's how it worked in my world. I was number one on the list for an F-16 ride just before I cross-trained into ATC.

Well then that sounds like poor unit culture then. Where my brother worked (Carswell) it had nothing to do with how you acted or who you knew. By virtue of being ATC he was allowed rides. It was only a matter of putting in a request. Some controllers he worked with got F-16s he drew the short straw and got a Tweet.
Sounds like a cool idea. If I had more flight time I'd help out, maybe next time. Is this something they do every year?
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I think this is such a cool idea I'd fly from Florida to do it, but I don't think my plane will be out of annual in time. :(
I registered. Sounds like fun.
Especially the ride in an F-15. Just kidding.
Are you inviting controllers from the other bases like Cherry Point MCAS, Pope AFB?

Sweet - look forward to having you.

SJAFB said they are bringing 50+ controllers. I know they are responsible for Pope air space but I don't know specifically if they are attending. I don't know about MCAS either.
Sounds like a cool idea. If I had more flight time I'd help out, maybe next time. Is this something they do every year?

Yes, we do this annually. Been doing this for several years now.

In return they give us an in-person tour of the SJAFB tower and RAPCON facilities. We get to see the controllers in action and ask any question we want. It's really a cool relationship the locals have with these guys. There is so much military flying in NC it's great to know the systems. These guys are a wealth of information about how the ATC system works.
Sounds kind of cool, actually.
Anyone else want to fly an air traffic controller this weekend? If so, register at the link above. We have a great group of guys already lined-up.

Weather will be a very pleasant 71 degrees with full sun.

Come join us if you are close by.
If you mess up during the flight does your passenger give you a number to call? :D
We all had a great time today KGWW flying the Airmen from Seymour Johnson AFB today. A little over 40 airmen showed and about 30 pilots. My ride was a fine young man named Noah. It was his first ride in a small plane. He seemed to have a good time. Lot's of really good questions. With some coaching, I let him work the radio on approach to his airbase and take the controls. The event was well run/organized.
Low pass down the airbase rwy.
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We all had a great time today KGWW flying the Airmen from Seymour Johnson AFB today. A little over 40 airmen showed and about 30 pilots. My ride was a fine young man named Noah. It was his first ride in a small plane. He seemed to have a good time. Lot's of really good questions. With some coaching, I let him work the radio on approach to his airbase and take the controls. The event was well run/organized.
Low pass down the airbase rwy.
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Thanks for coming out. What a great event! These controllers get so much from this experience and our skies are safer because of it. These trainees will go to another installation once training in complete and it's great to help them as they build their foundation.

Like you I let my RAPCON controller run the radio's after launch and up through the landing. He did an awesome job and I was proud of him. I let him take the flight controls as well and he did well considering he's not a pilot.

Very well run and organized event. Flying in eastern NC is safer due to the jobs these controllers so.

AOPA was onsite so keep an eye out for their story and video. Their reporter flew with the F-15 instructors in their RV's and word is he shot some awesome video during formation flight.