Lets see, back to "-5hours again"


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
This one is going to be hard to adjust to! Its pitch dark here. And I have no less than 20 clocks to adjust.
Someone (Wall Sreet Journal?) published an article that claimed some researcher determined there was no energy savings from going to DST. It was based on energy usage in those counties in Indiana that recently started the whole DST change. The problem seems to be air conditioning- people apparently program the air conditioner to be on when they are not at work. DST causes them be be home when the day is hotter, so more energy usage.

Link to original research here:
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My happiest years were when I lived in Arizona and did not have to worry about or adjust to DST. All I had to do was remember that the rest of the world had changed around me, and that wasn't a huge strain.

Rant on:

This is completely bogus and doing it earlier in the year is even more bogus. "More daylight" shows a complete lack of understand of planetary physics. Folks, it's the SAME FRICKING NUMBER OF HOURS OF DAYLIGHT! (Not yelling at the smart people here but at the dumb people who thought this up.) I have never been able to figure out what it is that people think they are saving. I can't believe it makes a single bit of difference. Guess what? This time of year, all it means is I've got my lights on more in the morning instead of the evening.

Rant off.

But, the good part is that there is more daylight to fly by after I get off work. :yes: It's also better for Tom's students who can only fly after work.
This one is going to be hard to adjust to! Its pitch dark here. And I have no less than 20 clocks to adjust.
This morning, I'm talking with TRACON about tracking my traffic watch flight. He keeps saying 1415Z for a 1015 Local departure and it doesn't hit me for a while. This is after I changed every clock in the house last night. :confused:
So, my fiance and I had a clock changing party this morning. Well...not so much a party as we just went around the apartment and changed all the clocks before we went to run errands.

While running errands, we decided to go see a movie. Looking at the board in front of the theater showed our timing to be perfect - it was 1:30 and there was a 1:55 showing of Semi-Pro. We went in, got the tickets, the popcorn, the soda, the Raisenettes, etc and went to the theater...where the movie was already playing. I thought we were early? Turns out we were late...almost exactly an hour late. Because we reset all the clocks in the house, but not in the car. I refuse to wear a watch on my days off, so how was I to know?? Yet another moment of brilliance for me.
brilliant matt.

and it is very nice having sunset later, even if it is all imaginary Judy :) an extra hour of light after class is more money for me!
... Folks, it's the SAME FRICKING NUMBER OF HOURS OF DAYLIGHT! (Not yelling at the smart people here but at the dumb people who thought this up.) I...

Rant off.



And while we're at it...

Two more that's a pet peeve's of mine are the "Longest day of the year " and the "shortest day of the year". Seems to me it's the same 24 no matter hwere or what time of the year.


And while we're at it...

Two more that's a pet peeve's of mine are the "Longest day of the year " and the "shortest day of the year". Seems to me it's the same 24 no matter hwere or what time of the year.


And I hate it when people complain but can't type too:redface:

that's a pet peeve's ---> that are pet peeves
hwere ---> where
Matt, you don't have a clock on a cell phone? So, was the last half of the movie worth twice it's value? :)
Matt, you don't have a clock on a cell phone? So, was the last half of the movie worth twice it's value? :)

I do, but the phone was in my pocket, and I thought I knew what time it was based on the clock in the car. Turns out our tickets were for the 4:30 show, anyways, so we just wondered around Borders and the booming metropolis of Augusta for two hours.
My flying buddy woke up 5 minutes before our show time so I not only did the flight planning, but I stocked the plane and did the preflight inside and out. He showed up just in time for us to start the engines. Everyone was giving Sleeping Beauty a hard time. :D
He keeps saying 1415Z for a 1015 Local departure and it doesn't hit me for a while.

I know what you mean, ATC was calling traffic for me today at 3 oclock, same altitude. Took me a moment to realize he hadn't set his radar's clock and it was really at my 2 oclock!
I know what you mean, ATC was calling traffic for me today at 3 oclock, same altitude. Took me a moment to realize he hadn't set his radar's clock and it was really at my 2 oclock!
:rofl: I think that's more of a personal compass isssue. Or, is it moral compass? :)

Well, I suppose it could have been a crab thing. Just how crabby were you?
I for one love DST, we could just keep it all year and I'd be happy. My flying club has a rule of no VFR flight after sunset, DST means I can fly after work agian. : )

Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to having more time to ride my bike and enjoy daylight after work.
Technically, didn't we go to -4 FROM -5? (I'm EST)
Two more that's a pet peeve's of mine are the "Longest day of the year " and the "shortest day of the year". Seems to me it's the same 24 no matter hwere or what time of the year.
What do you call the part of the day that isn't the night?
I love DST and think it should be double DST in the summer like Britain did in WWII. Who needs to have light outside at 5 AM?
Are you kidding? I love DST! I look forward to it with bated breath. I get an hour of extra light after work. Why can't we have it all year? I could care less if I drive to work in the dark, but let me play after work.
What do you call the part of the day that isn't the night?

:cheerswine:- OK, I'll concede that you could call that day but does that mean in Alaska they don't have 365 days in a year? Just one long day, one long night with a few days and nights between them.:dunno:
:cheerswine:- OK, I'll concede that you could call that day but does that mean in Alaska they don't have 365 days in a year? Just one long day, one long night with a few days and nights between them.:dunno:
Thus the ambiguity of describing both a thing, and a subset of that thing, by the same name.
Technically, didn't we go to -4 FROM -5? (I'm EST)

That's what I thought. I'm so confused now :goofy:

I used to live in the Eastern time zone and thought the world revolved around Eastern time too! :D

The OP was from West Texas - depending on how far west, most of Texas except the westernmost tip is in the Central time zone. So ... -5. :yes:
I love DST and think it should be double DST in the summer like Britain did in WWII. Who needs to have light outside at 5 AM?

That would make sunset here after 10 and finally dark around 11, that's like being in Alaska.
That would make sunset here after 10 and finally dark around 11, that's like being in Alaska.

I always thought that was so cool - growing up in Chicago, the far East portion of the Central time zone, and then vacationing in Grand Haven or Houghton Lake, the far western portion of the Eastern time zone. We could stay out so much later in MI than in Chicago. (Though that might have had more to do with things other than the time of sunset.:confused:)
I love DST and think it should be double DST in the summer like Britain did in WWII. Who needs to have light outside at 5 AM?

Bingo. I'm never up that early. DST allows for golf leagues, softball leagues, after school games, more daytime flying, and I will say I use waaaaay less lights in the summer than I do in the winter. Because I don't have to turn them on until almost 9:00pm. Granted, most of that is because of the more daylight hours due to the position in relation to the sun, but the extra hour helps out a good bit too. Oh, and my lights are not on in the morning. I'm not even up until sunrise.
That would make sunset here after 10 and finally dark around 11, that's like being in Alaska.

The western UP as well. You can read a book outside at 2230 with no artificial lighting.
I wake with the sunrise - always - which is a real PITA in summer because I don't need to get up at 5 AM. For that matter I don't even need to get up until 730-800 AM but I get up early to read and have my coffee.
Note to self: Make sure next house has bedroom on NW corner.