2007 Hours


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
Least since I started flying. 77.8 non CFI hours. A house remodel really cuts into the flying budget.
Just totaled mine up.. 65.5 hrs. Guess the cost of $200+ :eek: to fill up the tanks made a dent in the annual total time for me as well. Did get to spend some time in the air on the last day of the year. Was really quite a beautiful evening.

73.9. I thought it was more but I didn't get to fly as much in the last month as I had the previous months of the year.
22.8 OUCH. i need to fly more,but i guess the job change had a lot to do with that, On call every other weekend.But i did get 22 young eagle flights in.
Hoping to get to fly more this year and claim some Airports in ConUS.
Dave G
Least since I started flying. 77.8 non CFI hours. A house remodel really cuts into the flying budget.

Budget? What's that? :dunno: :D

I fly when I wanna fly, money be damned. Money's only money, memories last forever. I probably spend between 1/4 and 1/3 of my annual income on flying. Worth every penny. Good thing I'm single with no kids! :goofy:

I've actually been flying just a wee bit less the last couple of months because I'm saving up for the down payment on an airplane. :D
Ugh... 44.1, which is up some from last year. I like my new bathroom, but not so much any more.

I managed to keep my aviation jones from getting too bad by a lot of ride-alongs where I flew but didn't log any time, about 100 hours in sims getting them ready for certification, and almost 500 hours on VATSIM with Virtual Continental.
Budget? What's that? :dunno: :D

I fly when I wanna fly, money be damned.

And the results are in. I had 119 hours in 2005, 129 in 2006, and (drum roll please)...

166.9 in 2007, my best year yet (by quantity anyway... I think in terms of quality, 2006 was better, with more firsts, more adventures, etc... Video coming soon.)

For the year, I ended with...

166.9 TT
162.1 ASEL, 4.1 AMEL, 0.7 ASES, 0.0 glider :(
125.2 XC, 121.1 of which was PIC (the rest was AMEL)
107.7 day, 59.2 night
9.0 actual IMC, 1.5 under the hood
162.1 PIC, 46.9 dual received

Not too shabby. :)
I'll have to wait until I return to Dallas to tally them for the year, but somewhere just under 200 is my best guess right now. Almost all in the P-Baron, but did fly the Cessna Mustang and got a couple hours with friends in singles. Not logged for time was at SIMCOM in the sim for three days.


Post checkride july 2006 to 12/06 was 30 hours. I wanted to double that in 07 but only managed 52. I would like to put at least 75 in the log this year. Maybe with Gastons and Sun-n-Fun (still working on the Bride) I will meet that goal.
About 60 hours in '07 including 3 in Scotland. Not bad but not my magic number of 100 hours a year. I promise I'll do better in '08.
247.2 in 2007, well short of my goal of 400. Having the Bonanza down for so long didn't help but I probably wouldn't have made it anyway.
December WX really hit me in the hours badly. But I was still able to hit 116.1 total for the year. 16.7 actual, 3 simulated IFR hours with 12 approaches. Only 4.9 hours of night though. That really shocked me, I'll have to make some after work flying time this winter.
82.4, should be MUCH higher this coming year
550.4 for me!!!
But I am not paying for it. Its my job but I dont really call it a job because I get to stay within 2000ft of the ground if I want and have way to much fun to call it WORK.

less then the last 2 years though :(
2005 693.7
2006 683.9

Thats because I am doing more management stuff within the company so I can actually make some money.
Started 2008 off great with 3.9 today!!!
94.8 for me. Should have passed the 100 mark, but December didn't cooperate....cancelled 2 trips that would've totaled 13-14 hrs.
31.3 hours TT. 5.0 hours XC. 1.0 hours actual, 13.0 hours simulated instruments. 1.0 hours in a simulator (not included in the 31.3 hours).

Already have 1.7 hours this year (IR lesson this afternoon).

Not enough time flying, but whatever I do beats not doing it at all.
Just added them up, while balancing the flying check book (I don't recommend doing this), 69.7 TT. Not bad but about 30 short of my goal. There's always 2008.
I managed to log 69.6. I just took my first lesson on 3/24/2007, so those hours were in 9 months. Could be better, could be worse. This makes me realize that my 100 hr goal for this year is very attainable.
795. Can't say I love my job like MT. In fact I quit...
26.8 Total
3.0 Actual IMC

Geez, how disappointing. As soon as I can get my house in ATL sold, I'll be back in the skies here in DEN! Can't wait! Anyone need a house in the Atlanta Sprawl?
What are you doing now?

enjoying not being employed... for the last few weeks anyway. I didn't fly at all in Dec. I actually start training tomorrow at Simuflite for my next job, at which I expect to fly around 300 hours a year. much better!

2007 was an interesting year. Started out the same as the previous ten years, Full time construction management, part time CFI. In February I get an opportunity with another contractor who bought a King Air 200 to be both a pilot and project manager. After three months, I leave that job because I hate the construction side, but really enjoy flying the King Air again. I spend the summer as a full time CFI and part-time charter pilot. In the fall, I got a full time charter job flying the King Air and Pilatus PC-12.
I was gunning to cross the 400TT mark, but got shut out by late year wx.

166 hrs
140 XC
2.7 nite
7.4 actual instr
8.9 sim instr

Total: 381.2 (in 2.5yrs of flying)

Goals for 2008:
81.5 for my first full year of flying. 45.6 of that was without a CFI and 39.5 since I bought the plane in July.

Poor weather and wife's health prevented the hours from being higher,

Looking to double that this year and get the commercial license.
0.0 :-(

2007 was not a kind year for us, but looking forward to a better 2008!