You know, I typically try to cut the younger generation some slack...


Ejection Handle Pulled
Feb 23, 2008
Conway, MO
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...because they are unfairly given a bad rap like every generation of young before them have been also.


...when it comes to young mothers...and them always saying "oh, my kids would never do that." Well, there is no slack to be cut.

Our mom? If she got a call from someone telling her about me getting into trouble in town; she would have responded with "well, did you beat his ass for me to save me some time when he gets home?" There was no "ohhhhh, my boy would never do that."

Check this one out:

Letting a 5 yo kid run around unsupervised in a room full of artwork and sculptures. Really? And then asserting that it's not your fault or your kids? Really?

I ran across a similar situation a few years ago when mom passed. A great niece and great nephew were standing on their tippy toes on the kneeler in front of the open casket playing what looked like "patty cake" on mom's face.

My niece (their mother), where was she? Nowhere to be found. Oh yeah, you can bet your ass that I went and found her alright. "Oh, my kids would never do that!"

BS, get your ass in there and look.

Her excuse was that they were blowing mom kisses and wiping them on their cheek. Okay, and just when the f*** did that become an acceptable thing for two curtain climbers to do that a funeral home?
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Can't provide any sort of punishment these days without the worry of someone calling Social Services on ya. A hundo says those kids never got any.
Their insurance company should give them two options.

They can pay for every damn cent

Give their SEVEN kids up for adoption, she get her tubes tied and he gets snipped, and the insurance covers it.

Some people should never have had kids.
Can't provide any sort of punishment these days without the worry of someone calling Social Services on ya. A hundo says those kids never got any.
Yup. If you’re going to whoop your kid, you better do it somewhere private or you might find yourself behind bars for child abuse. Sad times we live in.
When I was a teenager, five of my friends were taken to the police station after their car was pulled over for speeding and reckless driving. They were drinking too. A cop on duty knew one of the kids and called his dad, who shortly thereafter showed up at the station.

They were all lined up in a row by the duty sergeant, the dad looked them over and said "Who was driving?" One of them said "I was, sir." The dad stepped up and knocked him on his butt with an open hand.

He looked at the sergeant and said "Are we good?" The sergeant said "Yessir". He marched them outside and took them home, stopping at each house to explain the events of the evening. The father of the kid that was driving pretty much told the other dad "Good for you, I'll take it from here".

All of the kids caught hell. None of them were seen outside school for a couple of weeks.

Of course none of this, from the leniency of the police to the discipline of a kid by someone other than his father, could possibly happen today.

The actions by my friend's father would be viewed as crude and disgusting in today's world. It would be all over Twitter. But none of those guys did anything like that again, as far as I knew.
I really don't have a problem with kids being smacked around less. I don't think it's healthy to smack kids around...especially as much as I was and, boy, was I! My observation about my mom was ancillary,

My objection is the whole " little Johnny would NEVER do THAT!" attitude.
Can't provide any sort of punishment these days without the worry of someone calling Social Services on ya.

Never mind someone else, your kids will threaten to call!!
Little bastages...
Our older son is 44 now, a full-time senior pastor and a USAFR chaplain-captain. Once in a while (well, almost every week, actually), he uses himself as a bad example in his sermons and talks about things he did as a kid. Which usually we didn't know anything about until hearing it from the pulpit.

<sitting in back row, fingers in ears, yelling "lalalalalalala ... ">

I grew up in India, my dad never lay hands on me but my mom used to beat the crap out of living hell when I got into trouble. I appreciate every second of that beating
When my dad was around 75, he was quite surprised to learn my brother and I used to take the screen off my second story bedroom window and shoot at the bell located in a tower at the church across the street.

It was a semi-rural area, and we were using .22 shorts for ammo. There was little chance of causing any damage other than a small bright spot on the bell.

He got pretty riled up, considering it had happened fifty years earlier. :D
I really don't have a problem with kids being smacked around less. I don't think it's healthy to smack kids around...especially as much as I was and, boy, was I! My observation about my mom was ancillary,

My objection is the whole " little Johnny would NEVER do THAT!" attitude.

The kid's mother was quoted as saying something like "They shouldn't have had something so expensive in an area where children play". She apparently mistook the settings for a McDonald's plastic ball pit. What an idiot.

My grandson is ten now. I think I smacked him on the butt to correct his behavior maybe four times when he was five or six, all pretty halfhearted.

While it pains me to say it, most of his bad behavior was related to the fights and obscenities my son engaged in with his ex. Now he is a well mannered and happy little guy who sees my son one day a week if it's not too inconvenient for my son.

My ex daughter-in-law is a wonderful woman, now in a stable relationship with a fine man, and their parenting has benefited my grandson immensely.
Ravioli true story time:

One of my "runnin' buddies" in high school and college was a son of a LEO.

When we got caught doing wrong, which happened about 10% of the time it should have, we were offered the choice of going to the station or going home to let our fathers deal with us. We always chose our fathers.

Here's the rub... The LEOs would always tell Chris's father (Mike) what happened. And my father would always see Mike at mass on Sunday, So I had to fess up before my Dad went to mass or I'd catch two or three times the hell.

This was in the 80's in Orange County, Ca.
The kid's mother was quoted as saying something like "They shouldn't have had something so expensive in an area where children play". She apparently mistook the settings for a McDonald's plastic ball pit. What an idiot.

My grandson is ten now. I think I smacked him on the butt to correct his behavior maybe four times when he was five or six, all pretty halfhearted.

While it pains me to say it, most of his bad behavior was related to the fights and obscenities my son engaged in with his ex. Now he is a well mannered and happy little guy who sees my son one day a week if it's not too inconvenient for my son.

My ex daughter-in-law is a wonderful woman, now in a stable relationship with a fine man, and their parenting has benefited my grandson immensely.
First off the son you beat (presumably, as you just admitted to ‘smacking’ your grandson) engaged in ‘fights and obscenities ‘ with his wife who is otherwise a ‘wonderful woman’? Sounds like the apple did not fall far from the tree.

Yes, parents need to supervise their children. Watching the video of that incident it is not clear that the kid was not supervised properly. Kids run. Unlesss you have shackles on them it is not possible to prevent every accident. And beating them only teaches them to be abusers. Sounds like you taught that lesson pretty well.
First off the son you beat (presumably, as you just admitted to ‘smacking’ your grandson) engaged in ‘fights and obscenities ‘ with his wife who is otherwise a ‘wonderful woman’? Sounds like the apple did not fall far from the tree.

Yes, parents need to supervise their children. Watching the video of that incident it is not clear that the kid was not supervised properly. Kids run. Unlesss you have shackles on them it is not possible to prevent every accident. And beating them only teaches them to be abusers. Sounds like you taught that lesson pretty well.

Undisciplined kids run. Disciplined ones don't. My sister and never were out of line in public like that. We were told not to run, we didnt. We were told to sit and be quiet, we did. Yeah, I got a few spankings as a kid I guess Im an abuser too. Oh wait, I haven't so much as shoved anyone since I was 11. Guess that blows that theory.
Ravioli true story time:

One of my "runnin' buddies" in high school and college was a son of a LEO.

When we got caught doing wrong, which happened about 10% of the time it should have, we were offered the choice of going to the station or going home to let our fathers deal with us. We always chose our fathers.

Here's the rub... The LEOs would always tell Chris's father (Mike) what happened. And my father would always see Mike at mass on Sunday, So I had to fess up before my Dad went to mass or I'd catch two or three times the hell.

This was in the 80's in Orange County, Ca.

"Community parenting" I call it. Far better days,

It was the same in my hometown in the 60s and 70s. If I was uptown and screwed up, mom knew about it before I got home...always.
First off the son you beat (presumably, as you just admitted to ‘smacking’ your grandson) engaged in ‘fights and obscenities ‘ with his wife who is otherwise a ‘wonderful woman’? Sounds like the apple did not fall far from the tree.

Whooooa. Completely uncalled for. Especailly considering it was just a half-hearted swat on the butt.

Yes, parents need to supervise their children. Watching the video of that incident it is not clear that the kid was not supervised properly. Kids run. Unlesss you have shackles on them it is not possible to prevent every accident.

And, yes, that video clearly showed a kid running around unsupervised. And, It looked to me like none of the ladies sitting on the nearby benches were this kid's parent. They sure didn't act like it when the accident happened. And I searched for a Sarah Goodman on Facebook. Got a hit on one in Leawood, KS, a suburb of KC. Looks like the right one, 4 rugrats. Didn't really look like any of the ladies on the benches. It definitely wasn't the one who got up, unless Sarah lost quite a bit of weight.

It was an art gallery...not a freakin' playground. A five year old being there is marginal in the first place, much less one being allowed to roam unsupervised.
First off the son you beat (presumably, as you just admitted to ‘smacking’ your grandson) engaged in ‘fights and obscenities ‘ with his wife who is otherwise a ‘wonderful woman’? Sounds like the apple did not fall far from the tree.

Wow! “Beat” is a far cry from “smack”. And I don’t recall him saying anything about obscenities. Get off the high horse there hank
I’ve always been amazed I survived my adolescence, but it worked out.
Dad, whom everyone in town knew and vice versa, enforced his rule of “do whatever you think is right, but don’t get caught and I’d better not hear about it...”, and if I did get caught, etc he’d make things right by his biggest, thickest leather belt.
I’ve always been amazed I survived my adolescence, but it worked out.
Aren't we all!?!? :cheers:

As Dr Bruce said a couple of years ago as we were sitting at Gaston's watching the powered parachute guys play, "it's amazing any man ever makes it to adulthood."

Whooooa. Completely uncalled for. Especailly considering it was just a half-hearted swat on the butt.


Wow! “Beat” is a far cry from “smack”. And I don’t recall him saying anything about obscenities. Get off the high horse there hank


Some people can't refrain from creating drama and discord by extreme exaggeration. It's what drives Twitter. For a perfect example, find a "News" story about Albert Einstein's recently discovered "racism".

Regarding "fights and obscenities", I made it quite clear my son was the person engaging in the behavior, not my former daughter-in-law. Your assumption I "beat" my son is quite incorrect. He turned out to be a dick all on his own.

Keep up that vigilance, Hank. Dedicate your internet existence to the eradication of every little action you discover that is shamefully at odds with your worldview.

You might consider working on your pomposity. It just doesn't quite have that edge of self importance that's necessary for credible pontification.
Ravioli true story time:

One of my "runnin' buddies" in high school and college was a son of a LEO.

A friend of mine's dad was a city cop in a Wyoming town. One morning the friend hops on his motorcycle and blazes through town doing at least 40 over, because he was late for work.
He sees a cop car parked in the median as he's nearing work and realizes he's going to get nailed. He slows. No cop car pulls out. He goes to work and forgets about it.
That night he sits down to dinner with the family, and realizes about a second later by the look on dad's face, and that dad is home for evening dinner that night late, so dad had picked up a morning shift.

"Little late for work this morning, were you?"


There's another story about him running a cop car off the road with his motorcycle and being completely unaware of it, but it's too hard to explain in text. Him telling it is funny as hell, though.

His dad was a K9 handler, Scotland Yard trained, before moving to the States. He once was the arresting officer on the largest shootout in that particular city's history up to that time (late 70's or early 80's) and came home with more ammo than he left with. He sent the dog up a ladder after the guy wouldn't come out for a long time and the entire city police force was shooting at him for a couple of hours and the shooting died down. Dog busted in an upstairs window and the guy came running out of the front of the house screaming and crying like a little girl to call the dog off. During the initial gunfight the department had come around and re-issued ammo to everyone. He never fired a shot.

I met the dad when he was in his seventies. He had a new young German Shepherd pup of about a year old at the time who was parked attentively watching a large party his kid had invited everyone over to. I joked with the dog, "What do you do, Bud?" as I gave him a scratch behind the ears. Without skipping a beat from a completely different conversation ten feet away, the old guy stops, looks at me, and says in his British accent... "He eats people." And went back to his conversation. :)
Like everything else, there are no absolutes. My wife is 27 and while our daughter, at 5 months is a little young to be disciplined, we both share more traditional, conservative values and our daughter will not be raised as a snowflake. We are very much on the same page about discipline, respect and good behavior. At this stage it’s mostly making sure she doesn’t disturb other people out in public. When we take her (occasionally) to a restaurant, if she starts crying or making any noise,one of us will immediately take her outside so that we don’t ruin other patrons' dining experience.

Too bad so many others @ restaurants don't do that.
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Can't provide any sort of punishment these days without the worry of someone calling Social Services on ya. A hundo says those kids never got any.

Yeah, dunno about that one. I've been in line more than once at our local grocery store when a mother has administered swift justice. No one complained, some nearly cheered. But not one would have countenanced abuse. The difference is pretty obvious.
I don't think the problem here is whether or not the kid had been spanked in the past. He was a 5-year-old in a room of costly, fragile objects, unsupervised. I note that it was a community center. In a real museum, the guards would have been all over an unsupervised kid touching statues. Heck, they don't let adults touch them. Many museums don't allow daypacks unless you carry them in your hands, in front of you. They don't want you bumping into things accidentally.
First off the son you beat (presumably, as you just admitted to ‘smacking’ your grandson) engaged in ‘fights and obscenities ‘ with his wife who is otherwise a ‘wonderful woman’? Sounds like the apple did not fall far from the tree.

Yes, parents need to supervise their children. Watching the video of that incident it is not clear that the kid was not supervised properly. Kids run. Unlesss you have shackles on them it is not possible to prevent every accident. And beating them only teaches them to be abusers. Sounds like you taught that lesson pretty well.

I was beat, with love, often as a kid. Because I needed it. Works for me. I spanked my daughter early but mot often as she got the message. Now She is wonderful in every way. 9th in her class. Respects all people. But yes corporal punishment moves from one generation to the next because it works. I fully expect my Daughter will spank her children. You raise your children the way you want. Keep your sanctimonious opinions to yourself.
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I don't think I've been to that community center. If I have, I don't remember it. I've been in others like it.

But they do get used for a lot of different events, that's why they exist. Some of those events can have a lot kids. I'm a little bit surprised there wasn't something around that sculpture.

I wonder if the security camera video is what did it. Without that, there's no way to know it wasn't just a kid not looking where he was going. My guess is the community center insurance paid the artist and is subrogating the parents and that's why the language "negligent" was used.
It's the parents who let their kids play wingwalker on somebody's biplane, or worse yet, stand them in front of the airplane and pull the prop down to them for a cool photo that really scare me.:eek:
When I was a teenager, five of my friends were taken to the police station after their car was pulled over for speeding and reckless driving. They were drinking too. A cop on duty knew one of the kids and called his dad, who shortly thereafter showed up at the station.

They were all lined up in a row by the duty sergeant, the dad looked them over and said "Who was driving?" One of them said "I was, sir." The dad stepped up and knocked him on his butt with an open hand.

He looked at the sergeant and said "Are we good?" The sergeant said "Yessir". He marched them outside and took them home, stopping at each house to explain the events of the evening. The father of the kid that was driving pretty much told the other dad "Good for you, I'll take it from here".

All of the kids caught hell. None of them were seen outside school for a couple of weeks.

Of course none of this, from the leniency of the police to the discipline of a kid by someone other than his father, could possibly happen today.

The actions by my friend's father would be viewed as crude and disgusting in today's world. It would be all over Twitter. But none of those guys did anything like that again, as far as I knew.

So, how fast were you driving when you got pulled over? :)
MOST people should never have had kids.

I've been saying for decades that people should require a license to reproduce, drive and vote. The biggest factors in the application process would be IQ and common sense.
But the government is against it. Smart voters are hard to influence and sway with political lies.
Yeah, dunno about that one. I've been in line more than once at our local grocery store when a mother has administered swift justice. No one complained, some nearly cheered. But not one would have countenanced abuse. The difference is pretty obvious.
Exactly. I was spanked but not beaten as a child, and looking back I can say that I deserved every one of them. As long as a parent understands the difference I think corporal punishment is a useful disciplinary tool. Unfortunately there have been lots of parents that don't understand the difference.
Exactly. I was spanked but not beaten as a child, and looking back I can say that I deserved every one of them.

I wasn’t spanked and turned out fine. My cousin who was spanked regularly ended up in jail for life.

It seems that how kids turn out are more about luck than anything else.

I've been saying for decades that people should require a license to reproduce, drive and vote. The biggest factors in the application process would be IQ and common sense.
But the government is against it. Smart voters are hard to influence and sway with political lies.

Government doesn’t want smart voters, but they would absolutely love your idea of requiring a license to vote.

Adding government to stupidity multiplies the stupidity exponentially. Like mass, speed, and force.
All these "high and mightys" are clueless. Some children, no matter how hard you try to teach right from wrong, no matter what you do, will force you to fail. You need to be thankful those children are a very small minority. My bad seed has been a screwed up mess his entire life. It's sad. Until you've had, or tried to raise one of these children, you need to stop blaming the parents, and shut up.
All these "high and mightys" are clueless. Some children, no matter how hard you try to teach right from wrong, no matter what you do, will force you to fail. You need to be thankful those children are a very small minority. My bad seed has been a screwed up mess his entire life. It's sad. Until you've had, or tried to raise one of these children, you need to stop blaming the parents, and shut up.

You probably knew by five not to let him anywhere near a work of art in a studio or leave him unattended, I bet.

I doubt this one is a hell spawn child. Daddy and momma just popped out more of them than she can effectively watch in a public space, and hasn’t trained the mini-monkeys as well as my dogs to come, sit, and stay.