Span Zone


May 28, 2012
Tampa Bay
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For bridge lovers everywhere. Look at the lines on this puppy.

I don't truss what I'm seeing.
Not tall enough bro. No recreational value in low bridges.
Yeah baby. Off the catwalk baby. Cause every night is bridge day.
technically, if there were toll booths, would it be 'moderated'?
I actually am an aficionado of bridges. I've spent countless hours photographing them, often at considerable risk of life and limb. Some of them are such bothers to photograph, what with vehicles and trains interfering with the photographer's concentration.

I even did it for extra money for a while (and still do if you want to count microstock). But mainly I do it for enjoyment. I especially like old, abandoned bridges. There are ghosts there. And sometimes hobos. I learn a great deal from both.

I've also developed a collateral interest in hobo signs and symbols. I plan to document some of those, too, when I have the time.



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<span id="lame">You're trying too hard.</span>

That one looks very much like an abandoned railroad bridge not far from me. I've been meaning to get on the span for years, but I haven't gotten around to it. It would be an all-day affair because of the difficulty of getting up there.

"My" bridge also is in exceedingly poor condition and looks like it's missing many of its ties and nearly all of its walkway, so I'd be walking along the girders. That in itself doesn't bother me, but it would be slow going, which would give the busybodies concerned people on the highway below time to call the police, who would then either arrest or "rescue" me. Either way, it would be a bother.

There was a time when a hardhat and a fluorescent vest were enough to get on any span. Nowadays, not so much.

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in soaring there is a saying..."there is no substitute for span"

This one is not too far from me.

I actually am an aficionado of bridges. I've spent countless hours photographing them, often at considerable risk of life and limb. Some of them are such bothers to photograph, what with vehicles and trains interfering with the photographer's concentration.

Some of those look like where they filmed "Stand By Me". Nice work. Have you been to Lechworth?
Sac that is a fun one too. Rich if you are thinking Poughkeepsie rail bridge it has or did years ago motion sensors. On and in the vicinity.
Some of those look like where they filmed "Stand By Me". Nice work. Have you been to Lechworth?

Thanks, and yes. Beautiful park. Probably the most beautiful I've ever been too. But alas, no pictures. It was many years and a burglary ago, and it was before online storage. :(

Sac that is a fun one too. Rich if you are thinking Poughkeepsie rail bridge it has or did years ago motion sensors. On and in the vicinity.

No, I'm thinking of an old railway bridge in (I think) Rosendale, New York. I'm not sure if that's where it technically is, but it's in that area. It apparently was used for stone mined from the quarries during the late 19th and early 20th Centuries.

I miss the railroad contract because it made my trespassing on their bridges legal. But even with a railroad ID and the assignment paperwork, it still was a pain in the ass, especially on the bridges. TSA watches railroads, especially bridges, pretty closely. Plus you have the local police and the railroad police to slow you down.

In a way, it's easier without the ID. The cops, TSA, or whomever just figure you're another train buff with a camera and chase you away. With the paperwork, on the other hand, it gives them something to waste time verifying, while all the time your light is disappearing.
