eman1200 PoA instructional video series #7


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
in this video I discuss checklist usage. please people, use your checklists!

I'm jealous I didn't think of these.

Keep em coming
I knew the checklist had to have many useful functions,Thanks
Mastery of the video arts! 10 out of 10! genius! you did miss one checklist usage item, fanning yourself when you are hot. I am disappointed.

Do you think I can do some called Rolivi PoA instructional video series without violating any copyright laws?
I love the "GoFundMe account coming soon"... Classic.
If you don't round the corners on the laminated sheets you can use the corners to pick food out of your teeth.
If you don't round the corners on the laminated sheets you can use the corners to pick food out of your teeth.

Hey! the rounded corners are a safety feature...
"I'm gonna go start pushing these buttons and see what happens"
This s*&t is golden
That's also what I was going for with the narration.

You need to dial it up bout 10 notches. "Hey guys! Eman 1200 here with POA.com! Today we're going to be talking about really....using...the...checklist! When you're flying you've realllyyy got to be using that checklist for evverryythingg!! Let's go...ahead..and...take..a...look...at..some.....examples!!"
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Hey, eman. pzeroa.com is available. Grab it and start a lucrative new career in youtube video instruction! Better grab that high profile domain name fast.
You forgot to tell us to like, share, and subscribe!!!!

But, one problem I have is that I have an Android phone - not an I phone. Would you consider it sufficient for the selfies (as below), or do I need to trade it in?

You forgot to tell us to like, share, and subscribe!!!!

But, one problem I have is that I have an Android phone - not an I phone. Would you consider it sufficient for the selfies (as below), or do I need to trade it in?

Android phone accepted!
We need more of these sir.

holy randomness, batman!

I was saving the next one for "how to fly a monkey across the country" but let's see if I can come up with something before then.

What kind of water works best?

actually a bunch of years ago I was in vegas for a bachelor party. I got completely totally wrecked and paid for it dearly the next day. a friend introduced me to Vitamin Water, and after about 4 of those plus about 9 advil I was good to tie another one on.
How did I miss this one. LMAO!!

if you're sick and tired of hitting fat, this exercise will help real quick..........just borrow a friends wedge and take some practice shots off concrete and you'll be cured fo sho!
Isn't the checklist sunshade just about standard procedure for everyone? Good to know I wasn't doing it wrong all this time!