Do you like the bigger or mini ipads better?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 8, 2014
Tifton, Ga
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I've decided I'd like to purchase an ipad and either get Foreflight or Garmin Pilot, but I'm torn between getting an ipad air, or an ipad mini 2. I think I'd rather have the normal sized ipad, as I think it'd easier to see everything on the screen, but a mini will cost $100 less, not to mention it's lighter weight and takes up less room in the cockpit.

What are your thoughts on the two?
Being I use my iPad as my regular computer, web, email, games I like the full size. But when flying I do wish I had the mini. I use mine more non flying, so that's why I keep the full size.
Mini yoke mounted is killer for aviation. You can always pinch and zoom maps and plates.
Flying: Mini
Sitting on the couch: Maxi

Mini is just the right form factor for use in the cockpit and provides a wealth of choices for mounting without blocking instruments

Maxi is a tad to big and there aren't as many good places to mount it where it doesn't block something key.
Mini yoke mounted is killer for aviation. You can always pinch and zoom maps and plates.

Agreed! Love flying with my Mini. A 10" tablet takes up way too much space in the cockpit...
I have had both and like the mini. It is just over all easier to tote around.
I use them full size one. Just lay it on my lap and beside the seat. Just upgraded the the iPad Air 2 and the screen reflection is a lot less in the airplane. No I'm just waiting for otterbox or life proof to come out with a case for it.
Mini retina cellular, not mounted or strapped to anything.
Mini retina cellular, not mounted or strapped to anything.
I just got a mini retina cellular. It's only been in the airplane once and I more or less only did the "gee whiz, look at that" thing. I'm not sure that I will end up using it for anything practical in the cockpit since we are not yet approved for EFB use, but it's nice for the weight and balance and performance programs which I previously did on a computer. It's also nice to be able to easily look at the Jepps when not in the airplane. Our in-panel Jepps came with four licenses so I am using one of them on the iPad.

I'm glad I got the mini for general use, though. I think the Air would have been to big (for me at least).
Mini, it fits on my yoke and in my old school Franklin planner so it can travel anywhere with me.....and before some one toasts me for the oxymoron of ipad and paper planner....then well.....I believe "the weakest ink is stronger greater than the greatest IPAD"
I have the full sized iPad that I use daily for most computer related tasks. I also use it in the cockpit and just keep it on my lap; it works well.
I have both but use my mini on the yoke when I fly. On longer trips I bring my full size Ipad 2 for back -up.
I switched from full size to mini. Good decision
I love the mini as well. Mine sits in my lap, since i no longer own an airplane with a yoke
I bought the larger iPad first. It is just to big for the cockpit. The mini is perfect. Big enough for all charts, gps, etc... Small enough to not be unwieldy in the cockpit. Mini on the yoke is awesome. On another note I have used wing x, foreflight, garmin pilot. I love pilot it is awesome and if you ever upgrade your avionics to GTN series they are very similar platform.
It really depends on what you fly. I've been flying with the full size and a leg strap or leg strap+case for 3 years now. I'm mostly in Cessnas (162, 172, and very occassionally a 182) and it doesn't get in the way. I've started flying a DA40 and it's not quite a good fit there. If that DA40 becomes my primary rental I'll probably move to a mini.

Like J3 Driver said, the new Air 2 is much better about reflections. I've got about 10 hours flying around with an Air 2 now and I'm impressed with the difference.
Was going to switch to mini, but then the Air came out and loved it. Haven't been tempted to switch. I've seen at least one rumor that the mini may go away, which would explain why they didn't bother doing a significant upgrade to it this time around. With the performance delta between the Air 2 and the Mini 3, I'd hate putting money into the lower hp unit.
I still have an iPad 2 and had been considering a newer model iPad.

But thanks to multiple annoyances brought on by the latest release of iOS, I have been considering dumping Apple altogether. Their QA sucks.
Being I use my iPad as my regular computer, web, email, games I like the full size. But when flying I do wish I had the mini. I use mine more non flying, so that's why I keep the full size.
Same general philosophy for me. Too many other tasks I like the full size for.

But when it comes down to it, I flew using my 7" Android tablet last week. It turns out that while I understand the attraction of the mini, I like the full size for Flying also.
iPad Mini is a much better fit in my Sky Arrow.

Word of caution for the couple of pilots who use them unsecured:

I have hit "air pockets" without warning that sent everything flying.

That could conceivably toss the iPad out of reach. Or smack you in the head/face. Worst case scenario it could jam something. At the very least it would be a distraction.

If you don't want to mount it, I'd still suggest either some Velcro to stick it to something or a tether to reel it in.
iPad Mini is a much better fit in my Sky Arrow.

Word of caution for the couple of pilots who use them unsecured:

I have hit "air pockets" without warning that sent everything flying.

That could conceivably toss the iPad out of reach. Or smack you in the head/face. Worst case scenario it could jam something. At the very least it would be a distraction.

If you don't want to mount it, I'd still suggest either some Velcro to stick it to something or a tether to reel it in.


I've got quite a few hours on mine, float flying down low to turbo props in the flight levels.

It's in a ruff canvas type belkin case modded to hold a notepad & pen, I've hit some bumps and it has never turned into a iMissle, securing heavy bags sure good idea, using 20 straps to secure a iPad mini to your leg, or attaching it to flight controls, not so much
I fly with a mini on the yoke, and an Air in my kneeboard as a backup.
Was going to switch to mini, but then the Air came out and loved it. Haven't been tempted to switch. I've seen at least one rumor that the mini may go away, which would explain why they didn't bother doing a significant upgrade to it this time around. With the performance delta between the Air 2 and the Mini 3, I'd hate putting money into the lower hp unit.

X2. While the size of the air screen matches the earlier iPads, it's quite a bit smaller. The difference with the mini is much less significant now.
For comparison:



Full Size:

Charts. They are charts. Not maps. Charts. I will never be a CFI at this rate. :)

Hehe. I've always thought the same myself. Chart are extremely expensive masterpieces in cartography. Maps I get for free from the AAA. ;)
I have an iPad2 and iPhone5. Thinking about an upgrade, but I'm too cheap and my iPad2 works fine for me in the Skyhawk. I hope they get the iOS8 issues worked out, as my iPad is slower and occasionally locks up when POAing.
Dumped my mini for an Air 2 last week. Footprint increase not that much, sunlight readability much better (similar to the EFIS I have) under a bubble canopy.
I have an iPad2 and iPhone5. Thinking about an upgrade, but I'm too cheap and my iPad2 works fine for me in the Skyhawk. I hope they get the iOS8 issues worked out, as my iPad is slower and occasionally locks up when POAing.

That's just Florida Cracker messing with your iPad remotely. :)
Hehe. I've always thought the same myself. Chart are extremely expensive masterpieces in cartography. Maps I get for free from the AAA. ;)
There seems to be a modern tendency, at least in the EFB world, to refer to the moving map as a "map" rather than a "chart." And "chart" often to refer to Terminal procedures
I moved from a full size to a mini retina and love it. Even for around the house use, it's much more suited for reading with one hand. I only use the iPad for casual use, media consumption, etc and not any "serious" work so the smaller screen is not an issue -- and for me, I need a full laptop for that sort of stuff anyway.
For aviation only, I would go with a mini, thing is aviation is only a minor iPad use for me, so I'll stay with bigger.
For aviation only, I would go with a mini, thing is aviation is only a minor iPad use for me, so I'll stay with bigger.

:yeahthat: I got my iPad solely for aviation, but now that's 10% or less of its usage. It's the single most useful piece of technology I've bought in 30 years.
(And rebought three more times!)
I like the 7" Android tablet in my RV-6 for charts since the size is a perfect fit for the small cockpit of the RV. In fact I'm using it right now to post this. Someday I might buy a larger tablet for use around the house, but for now my 53yr old eyesight is still plenty good enough for the small tablet.