Yet another logging question.


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
So let's say a random male pilot (from say, oh, I don't know, let's just say Texas) is going to be attending a fly-in that was coordinated on an internet message board along with his wife where he theoretically is attempting to make one of the other male attendees disappear. But over the course of the weekend after (much) consumption of alcohol certain things happen (besides the inevitable hangovers) where the three of them end up engaging in activities mostly only discussed in a "Dear Penthouse" letter.

Does the wife log it as dual received?
Can both of the guys log it as dual given?
If at some point a 'swordfight' ensues, do the guys log it as duel given or duel received or both?
The sword fight should be logged as a complex endorsement. The rest appears to be spot on.
I'd be more worried that others might jump in and the soon to be dispatched male might have to log dual received too.
If she is logging dual received, how does one determine whether he should log PIC or SIC ?
If someone is using a "view limiting" device, who logs time as safety pilot? Would that have to a 4th riding jump seat?
All I know is you definitely want to be the one with the "high performance" endorsement.
That's a difficult question,not covered in the regs,just too many variables,that have to be considered.
Who is Captain, who is FO, and who is the Navigator? Crew management is important.

You did not say anything about the cockpit..............
I thought this was going to be a discussion on the relative merits of a Husquavarna vs a Stihl. :dunno:
Definitely counts as Multi time.
So let's say a random male pilot (from say, oh, I don't know, let's just say Texas) is going to be attending a fly-in that was coordinated on an internet message board along with his wife where he theoretically is attempting to make one of the other male attendees disappear. But over the course of the weekend after (much) consumption of alcohol certain things happen (besides the inevitable hangovers) where the three of them end up engaging in activities mostly only discussed in a "Dear Penthouse" letter.

Does the wife log it as dual received?
Can both of the guys log it as dual given?
If at some point a 'swordfight' ensues, do the guys log it as duel given or duel received or both?

I think the key question is who is ACTING and who is LOGGING. Sometimes the LOGGER just seems to be along for the ride observing and not really doing anything to improve the flight.

Also... Never ever cross the streams.... Never....
Ed, I think you need a new flow chart created for this, there may be lots of variables.
Is slipping it in with flaps prohibited in the POH?
Watch that mixture and power setting to avoid the red box!
Be sure to prime before a cold start.