Wing walker jumps from plane


Final Approach
Jul 12, 2008
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Awesome video with a Pitts and Stearman! - Just ignore the Subaru.

Dammit!!!! I did this exact same thing today for a satire video.

In all seriousness, that is a freaking awesome video. my new 2nd favorite.

I still love this one
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Pretty cool video except for that car. Would like to see PigPenRacing and 6PC team up to remake this video. :) Pitts and Cirrus. 6PCD will have to get the wingwalker platform installed on the Cirrus.
That song sucked. I kept hearing "******* in the air tonight..."

There were two different jumps in the video. Bad editing if it was supposed to be the same jump from two angles. Obviously different. The Pitts driver is solid.
Very cool! I don't give a crap about hollering posers or editing mistakes. Still fun to watch.
I'm fine with the Subaru, too. But I always chuckle at Marketers who send dumb messages...

"You can drop your friend off to do something really cool and then chase his ass around in your Subaru all day, wishing you were as cool as him, but you have a really big car payment parked in your driveway. Have fun being the ground crew!"
What's wrong with the Subaru? :confused2: :biggrin:
I take it you haven't been to Missoula Montana ? More subarus per capita than anywhere else. I have another word for the Subaru drivers in Missoula but I would get banned(again)
I take it you haven't been to Missoula Montana ? More subarus per capita than anywhere else. I have another word for the Subaru drivers in Missoula but I would get banned(again)
BS It HAS to be Boulder, CO. SO many Subaru's and they're all green and ALL driving about 15mph under the speed limit in the left lane.
BS It HAS to be Boulder, CO. SO many Subaru's and they're all green and ALL driving about 15mph under the speed limit in the left lane.

I call my green Lesbaru my Boulder cammo car. I can sneak in and out of Boulder and not be caught. LOL. I'll have to be careful not to give myself away by driving normally, though. Hahaha. Thanks for the tip. :)

I call the Subaru, "Box o' Dirt". It's only job is to get the hell beat out of it on my commute and to collect dust and dirt from the dirt roads. It'll carry the giant dog and the medium dog in relative comfort for them (they much prefer the back of the Yukon) and just keeps putting along when traction sucks.

It's the four banger so at this altitude the throttle has two useful positions, on and off. Watching the cruise control try to drive it on rolling hills is hilarious. 5000 RPM, idle, 5000 RPM, idle...
So do all wing walkers drive Subaru's? It would be interesting to know. Strange how he ran straight into the arms of a man when he landed instead of the nearby female. Anyone else notice that? Not that there is anything wrong with that.
So do all wing walkers drive Subaru's? It would be interesting to know. Strange how he ran straight into the arms of a man when he landed instead of the nearby female. Anyone else notice that? Not that there is anything wrong with that.

Gives a new meaning to bi-plane.

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That was filmed at and around Santa Paula about a month or two ago.
I take it you haven't been to Missoula Montana ? More subarus per capita than anywhere else. I have another word for the Subaru drivers in Missoula but I would get banned(again)
Nah, I know the background and get a kick out of the stereotype. ;)
This is the Subaru that I want, once I make it as a wing walker that is.

A Brat would be nice. But good luck finding one that's not a rusted-through hulk with a shot engine. I was also thinking about an XV (Crosstrek). The extra long nose gives me a pause. Why use a boxer if the nose is no shorter than old Audi Quattro with inline engine?

P.S. Can't stand Doug DeMuro. Frankly I was glad when he left TTAC.
That song sucked.
Most millenials' crap sucks. That's because they grew up with no taste. I direct your attention back to exhibit A, the horrendous hipster car commercial at the beginning of the thread. QED

I've seen many great videos with airplanes. This one makes me sick. Total mis-use of cool airplanes with lame people for lame advertising purpose. Yech.
Most millenials' crap sucks. That's because they grew up with no taste. I direct your attention back to exhibit A, the horrendous hipster car commercial at the beginning of the thread. QED

I've seen many great videos with airplanes. This one makes me sick. Total mis-use of cool airplanes with lame people for lame advertising purpose. Yech.
OR... if you look at it slightly less curmudgeon-y it may get younger people into aviation that otherwise wouldnt have thought about it. Last I checked we need more people in aviation.

I think GA could always use more positive PR and this certainly is positive PR.
OR... if you look at it slightly less curmudgeon-y it may get younger people into aviation that otherwise wouldnt have thought about it. Last I checked we need more people in aviation.

I think GA could always use more positive PR and this certainly is positive PR.

Nope. No way. No one who likes that song is anywhere near cool enough to be a pilot! :D
I do not believe it comes with the "options shown" in the picture. So sorry to disappoint you.
Thanks for ruining it for me. I don't want to be a wing walker anymore.