Wing sump


Line Up and Wait
Oct 7, 2009
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My sump isn’t sumping.

Any quick fix? Push up and doesn’t seem to move. Tank is full of course


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Find a way to push on it while blowing some compressed air in. If it starts flowing, plan on inspecting the tank to see what kind of crud blocked it to begin with. You don't want that blocking your fuel outlet.
I wouldn't mess with it until the tank is very low.
It looks pretty old. I would be thinking replacement.
If you mess with compressed air(not my preface) be sure to remove the fuel filler cap completely so you don't over pressurize the tank.
The is a component of your plane that was ignored too long. If you get it working, it will probably leak.
Like Gary said above, you don't want to pressurize the tank. When doing leak testing on EAB fuel tanks, only a couple psi is used.
Any quick fix? Push up and doesn’t seem to move. Tank is full of course
Not really. But if you're going to try and open it and not going to defuel the fuel cell then I would have a contingency barrel(s) nearby incase the valve decides to stay stuck open. And I wouldn't use any compressed air either.
My sump isn’t sumping.

Any quick fix? Push up and doesn’t seem to move. Tank is full of course
I had one on my 182 not seal properly after sumping. Just kept dribbling. The A&P/IA came over with a plug. Pulled the valve, screwed in the plug. Took the valve to his shop and replaced the o-ring. Then came back and reinstalled it. Maybe lost a 1/2 pint of fuel total. He said doing that on a tank with Jet-A in it ain't fun.

In your case, there may be crud in there so this approach might not be best in your situation.
No quick fix.

It seems to me that whatever caused it to become stuck came from inside the tank, so I would want to pump the tank dry, then remove the part and inspect it and the tank.
My sump isn’t sumping.

Any quick fix? Push up and doesn’t seem to move. Tank is full of course
It's either water that has frozen in the sump, or the valve is seized.
80 degrees.
That valve appears to the a type that can be locked open by turning the fuel tester after pushing up. I wonder if that one also locks closed by turning?