Will the Trump Tower TFR be replaced by one over Palm Beach?


Line Up and Wait
Mar 5, 2012
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President Trump and Mrs. Trump have changed their home address from Trump Tower in New York to his Mar-a-Lago Resort in Palm Beach {https://www.wpbf.com/article/presid...sidence-from-manhattan-to-palm-beach/29660011}. I would expect that would remove the need for the Trump Tower TFR since it is no longer their home, and that a new continuous TFR would be instituted around Mar-a-Lago.

How long would it normally take to make such changes?
Most likely correct on both points. Bush has a TFR just south of KADS in north Dallas, not sure if Obama has one.
Keep wishing. He might declare Florida but that doesn't mean he'll stop visiting his places up North.
Keep wishing. He might declare Florida but that doesn't mean he'll stop visiting his places up North.

The TFRs relating to visits are temporary (albeit more extensive). I recognize those as a fact of present day life whenever any US President is in the area. I am asking about the permanent TFR around the center of Manhattan for the President's prior permanent residence in Trump Tower. Since it seems to no longer be needed, it would be nice if it were removed.
The TFRs relating to visits are temporary (albeit more extensive). I recognize those as a fact of present day life whenever any US President is in the area. I am asking about the permanent TFR around the center of Manhattan for the President's prior permanent residence in Trump Tower. Since it seems to no longer be needed, it would be nice if it were removed.

It would be nice if ALL of the TFR's were removed. (Especially the VIP's) Trouble is, people only get themselves worked up when it affects their area. When it ends, they tend to forget. The permanent one over that neighborhood in Dallas is nothing more than vain ignorance.
Makes sense to move the official personal residence to a no income tax state.

The new one will likely be as soon as he makes his first trip down there. The next question, will they actually end the Trump Tower TFR?

That will mess up the coastal Victor airways in S. Florida.
The permanent one over that neighborhood in Dallas is nothing more than vain ignorance.

Who is vain, and who is ignorant? It's well inside the DFW Bravo. Who's impacted by this?
Yeah I was thrown off by that as well. It's 1nm radius to 1500 AGL.
Who is vain, and who is ignorant? It's well inside the DFW Bravo. Who's impacted by this?

It's vain because it's an old piece of a legacy which continues to promote an assumption that there's still someone there important enough to keep orbiting Pavarotti away. Really?
And it's ignorant for the very reason stated. It's an area already surrounded by controlled airspace.

So yes, it's vain, and it's ignorant. So was P-49. Of course, that one only affected people in Central Texas. We only get spun up when it affects our personal freedom of movement, and if it doesn't, we can find a way to justify why somebody else shouldn't complain.
I asked who was impacted.

What rules of the Bush permanent TFR near DFW impact anyone flying through that airspace?
It's vain because it's an old piece of a legacy which continues to promote an assumption that there's still someone there important enough to keep orbiting Pavarotti away. Really?
And it's ignorant for the very reason stated. It's an area already surrounded by controlled airspace.

So yes, it's vain, and it's ignorant. So was P-49. Of course, that one only affected people in Central Texas. We only get spun up when it affects our personal freedom of movement, and if it doesn't, we can find a way to justify why somebody else shouldn't complain.

I didn't know there is a flying Italian opera tenor in Dallas airspace. I thought he was dead. You learn something new every day.

Who is exhibiting vanity? If you say it's GWB, you're wrong. The Secret Service protects ex-presidents, and they are the ones that make presidential TFRs happen.
I didn't know there is a flying Italian opera tenor in Dallas airspace. I thought he was dead. You learn something new every day.
Perhaps the tenor you mean is Luciano Paparazzi? ;)
What is the TFR in Dallas for? I thought Bush lived in Crawford?

Has a house in Dallas area and spends a lot of time there. Only reason I know is apparently that tornado went through the neighborhood a couple weeks ago.

Having dealt with the secret service while stationed at Andrews for 10 years (Air Force 1 and others) I can assure you there is no extreme they will not go to in an attempt to prevent the president from getting hurt. There is no "risk management" in their mindset. They rule the roost on it and the FAA will have no say in getting rid of Presidential TFRs no matter what any data says about impact to other people.

Flying out of KGAI and KFDK I deal with the SFRA all the time. Not to mention P40. A pain in the ass, ineffective and expensive
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I think I've uncovered some sheeple. Who is impacted by these TFR's? If you don't understand, sorry, can't help you. Give some more away......... "What difference, at this point, does it matter anyway?"
I busted the Lago Mar TFR 1.5 yrs ago. Showing a for sale airplane to some out of town folks. Flew two prospective buyers frm KFXE to KOBE via a western track, had lunch and then flew direct KOBE to KFXE. Became distracted answering questions re the sale airplane. Next thing I know I have twin F-15 escorts. After the riot act they handed me over to MIA ctr who vectored me almost to the west coast of FL. Had to remind them my destination was KFXE and they eventually cleared me back. Spent 2 hrs with secret service fessing up that I was aware of the TFR from briefing the ATIS and NOTAMS & that I simply f—-ed up concentrating on selling the airplane.
I think I've uncovered some sheeple. Who is impacted by these TFR's? If you don't understand, sorry, can't help you. Give some more away......... "What difference, at this point, does it matter anyway?"
I'm not sure where the lack of understanding is, but you've been asked several times what's being given away. Bush's PH TFR is within the DFW B surface area, so you couldn't fly through it without ATC authorization, and amazingly, the TFR allows you to fly through with ATC authorization. It's also only up to 1,500 AGL in a congested part of the city, so it wouldn't be legal to fly through it in an airplane unless you were operating out of one of the nearby airports, which also require ATC approval. Either way, you'd have to violate several regs before you could even attempt to violate that TFR. So yes, it's almost entirely superfluous, but what are we giving up?

And P-49 is still there.
So....did you sell the plane? That’s a hell of a demo ride.

Nah, kept it. The prospective buyers got plenty of footage of the intercept on their cell phones. I asked them to send some to me but they never did. I guess because we could not agree on a price.