This is just a question of curiosity. How and where does the FAA go to see your medical records if they want to? Case in point, I have two different doctors that work for two different hospital organizations managing a health issue I have. Both are neurologists with their own specialties and work well with each other but lots of times when I go for blood work or tests for one doctor the other doesn't see the results since they are within two different networks. If two doctors of the same patient can't see each others stuff then how does the FAA even know where to go look? To be clear, I am not trying to hide anything or even asking for any specific reason. I am certainly not asking to try to find loop holes or suggesting that people be dishonest on their medical. This is just more of a general curiosity question since I see lots of posts on here from people asking about old diagnoses or medications they had taken decades ago. How would the FAA even find about those if you were in an accident. How would they even know what health insurance network or what provider to go ask from years ago?