what causes those little tornado things that come off the back of the wing when the flap is extended


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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On my way to work in the morning I go right along the flight path on the north side of DFW it seems like mostly in the mornings as the planes are landing they leave those little Trails of those skinny tornado things off the backs of their wing where the flap connects to the wing. How can I make one in the cirrus?
lower pressure on the upper surface of the flap....causes a vortex off the tip.
Candy, reminds me of that night in Thailand.....
On my way to work in the morning I go right along the flight path on the north side of DFW it seems like mostly in the mornings as the planes are landing they leave those little Trails of those skinny tornado things off the backs of their wing where the flap connects to the wing. How can I make one in the cirrus?

They are purging the chemtrail tanks before they get to the terminals
How can I make one in the cirrus?
You do -- just not enough moisture and pressure differential to make it visible. It's what causes the "oscillation" or "pumping" motion that people describe in slips with full flaps; the tip of the horizontal tail is getting into that little tornado from the outboard end of the flap.
Next time you're up in the Cirrus request a short approach in behind a heavy so you can get a better look at those. You'll experience a little tornado.

No Red Handle Relief there tho.
Next time you're up in the Cirrus request a short approach in behind a heavy so you can get a better look at those. You'll experience a little tornado.

No Red Handle Relief there tho.

I guarantee the SR22 won't be reusable at that point.
Next time you're up in the Cirrus request a short approach in behind a heavy so you can get a better look at those. You'll experience a little tornado.

No Red Handle Relief there tho.
I always thought it was magic. You wizards and your infernal flying machines!
On my way to work in the morning I go right along the flight path on the north side of DFW it seems like mostly in the mornings as the planes are landing they leave those little Trails of those skinny tornado things off the backs of their wing where the flap connects to the wing. How can I make one in the cirrus?
Tornados are generated by thunderstorms so you have to fly through a thunderstorm and get it stuck to your wing. Duh!
apparently Tapatalk thinks the answer is for you to wear better undies. Wear better undies and you'll get those little tornado thingies off the back of your wing thingies.

Add weight. Lots of it.
Nah, just append "heavy" to your Cirrus call sign.
Example: "DFW traffic, Cirrus Six Papa Charlie Heavy on 35-mile final for the active .... ummmm .... all traffic in the pattern please advise ... ummmmm ... DFW traffic traffic .... ummm .... Cirrus .... over and out".