Wanted: Stunt Controller


Final Approach
Nov 4, 2015
Vail, Arizona
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No experience required. Needed to respond to C-130 aircraft on the radio while rated controller gets a break. Stunt controller must be willing to treat C-130 pilots like they are the only aircraft in the air. Must be willing to move heaven and earth in order to allow them opposite direction arrivals with other traffic in the area. Must be willing to resist saying things you would like to say but can't when they lie to you about that full stop landing. Must have 3 gallon bladder while working alone because C-130s like to spend a lot of time in the pattern.

All applications considered.
As long as I don’t have to work nights, weekends and holidays...I’m in.
Kevin I'm sure in your part of the world you guys have a certain callsign or callsigns to which you say, "Oh God, not THIS guy again?" As much as I would like to have you around, I wouldn't put you through that. ;)
Sounds like you found some new friends..

Yep, and they've overstayed their welcome. Unless of course you meant Kevin and although we've never actually met, I think we've been friends for a long time.

You on the other hand....COME ON DOWN!!! ;)
Will you hire a guy off the street? If so, I’m in! :)
Will you hire a guy off the street? If so, I’m in! :)

You're hired. Headsets are in the locker in the breakroom. I'll be on the couch if you need me...but don't call, just figure it out.
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No experience required. Needed to respond to C-130 aircraft on the radio while rated controller gets a break. Stunt controller must be willing to treat C-130 pilots like they are the only aircraft in the air. Must be willing to move heaven and earth in order to allow them opposite direction arrivals with other traffic in the area. Must be willing to resist saying things you would like to say but can't when they lie to you about that full stop landing. Must have 3 gallon bladder while working alone because C-130s like to spend a lot of time in the pattern.

All applications considered.
What happens if you say, Negative, runway X in use, you are #3 behind two bugsmashers, extend your downwind I'll call your base. I'm assuming if you do that few times your boss will get a phone call.
No experience required. Needed to respond to C-130 aircraft on the radio while rated controller gets a break. Stunt controller must be willing to treat C-130 pilots like they are the only aircraft in the air. Must be willing to move heaven and earth in order to allow them opposite direction arrivals with other traffic in the area. Must be willing to resist saying things you would like to say but can't when they lie to you about that full stop landing. Must have 3 gallon bladder while working alone because C-130s like to spend a lot of time in the pattern.

All applications considered.
I bet the C-130 guys are on another forum complaining about the controller that's always in a bad mood. ;)
What happens if you say, Negative, runway X in use, you are #3 behind two bugsmashers, extend your downwind I'll call your base. I'm assuming if you do that few times your boss will get a phone call.

Nothing. I do my best to give them what they want - its just that they want a lot. Its the old give them an inch and they'll take a mile thing. When I'm working alone, I am the boss, chief cook and bottle washer.
Lol! Oh this reminds me of my brother complaining about working the C-130s out of Dyess. Said the exact same thing. Always wanting to circle. Always wanting opposite direction. Always spending hours in the pattern. Always doing tac arrivals. Hated working C-130s.

I never had many problems with them. They did the same things that P-3s, C-141s, C-17s, etc, all did. Complicated things when busy, but usually doable. Never understood how they could spend hours bouncing in the pattern though. I’d go crazy doing that all day.
They will taxi up to the hold short line and then announce that they're ready but need two minutes for the checklist. My response, "hold short and call me back in two minutes." I have no idea why they do that.

More often than not I have to repeat myself when I tell them to contact departure. Sometimes after I've said it with no response, they will fly on and ask to be switched to departure when they are ten miles away or departure will call me and ask me to switch them. I have no idea why they do that.

They will call "base with the gear" but no landing request. After I clear them to land they will come back, "um, requesting the option." I have no idea why they assume I'm going to give them the option.

They don't mix well with A-10s in the pattern or anything else for that matter yet they don't take the hint that all the 360 spins we give them and with breaking out the A-10s because the C-130 flew a long wide pattern is because we need them to land or go someplace else.

They still ask for the option fully aware that they just followed a full stop aircraft that is still on the runway. I have no idea why they do that.

I have no idea why they do a lot of things they do.
No experience required. Needed to respond to C-130 aircraft on the radio while rated controller gets a break. Stunt controller must be willing to treat C-130 pilots like they are the only aircraft in the air. Must be willing to move heaven and earth in order to allow them opposite direction arrivals with other traffic in the area. Must be willing to resist saying things you would like to say but can't when they lie to you about that full stop landing. Must have 3 gallon bladder while working alone because C-130s like to spend a lot of time in the pattern.

All applications considered.

I got just two things to say:
Longer headset cord
I got just two things to say:
Longer headset cord

Man I'm sure those C-130s are a PITA, but hanging himself from the Tower seems a bit extreme, no? :p
Now is the chance for all those VATSIM kids... be a real controller for a day!
had to look that up. I didn't know such a thing existed.

Honestly, some of the ATC is pretty good. Actually, most of the ATC is really good.

I use xplane for grins in VR when I can't fly. VATSIM makes it a bit more realistic. Especially in VR. 1. have a few beverages 2. file your flight plan 3. pop on the VR headset 4. contact (usually it rolls up to approach, sometimes center) to get your clearance. Copy it. Request taxi/takeoff clearance.... they must have some kind of virtual radar display because I always get cleared higher just about the same spot on the SID where I do in real life. Sometimes get re-routed. Vectors to final are common and the comms are pretty close to the real deal....
yeah, people pay to do your job

It's free, I think... I never paid to use their services anyway. but yeah there are a ton of kids (maybe grown-ups?) who play at this online and sound pretty descent doing it...
It's free, I think... I never paid to use their services anyway. but yeah there are a ton of kids (maybe grown-ups?) who play at this online and sound pretty descent doing it...
Sure, if buying thousands of dollars of equipment is free. ;) Well, maybe for controller side a normal computer would work.
Sure, if buying thousands of dollars of equipment is free.

True true. I build a new PC when I got sent home from work and told to work from home and then couldn't go out and do anything. xplane helped pass the time stuck indoors when I couldn't fly (and before I bought the Arrow).

Now I still use it every once in a while after my wife and kid are asleep for kicks... the experience is pretty cool actually. But not for everyone. Sort of scratches the itch when I can't get to the hangar, but want to experience something like it. And there's no 8 hour B to T rule with xplane lol. Better than watching tv.
It's free, I think... I never paid to use their services anyway. but yeah there are a ton of kids (maybe grown-ups?) who play at this online and sound pretty descent doing it...
I did VATSIM ATC for a while 15 years ago. Really enjoyed it.
So would me asking the tower to switch the ILS signal back and forth a couple times last night for practice get me on the controller naughty list too?

Btw, I would apply for the job but Tucson is too hot for me.