Trying to add a second Radio Panel to my Flight Simulator


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Aug 8, 2018
Sunnyvale CA
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I have the latest version of Spad.neXt. I use it to connect my simulation boxes to my flight simulator - Prepar3D V5. I'm running Windows 10 64 bit.

I have a Saitek radio panel plugged into a specific USB port. If I plug my LogiTek Radio Panel into that port, it works. If I plug either box into a different port, Spad.neXt detects it, but it has no events, etc.

I got the second box so I can have the top box set to Com 1 and Com 2, and the bottom box to Nav 1 and Nav 2. If I can get the second box functional, a third box would give me DME and XPDR.

I contacted Spad.neXt about getting a second box to work and they sluffed me off. I've uninstalled and reinstalled Spad, and gotten the latest version. DeActivating and ReActivating the box doesn't work. I simulated using a USB switch box, and that doesn't work. Nothing in their FAQ, Forum, nor Discord page is of any help.

I'm looking for more resources to get both boxes working.
Thanks for any help.


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I found the solution. I found a video about using the radio panel in a CRJ and he pointed us to online snippets. I found a snippet for the radio panel, selected it, and downloaded it for the entire panel. And, voila, the panel lit up. The switches match the original switch settings, and the displays match.

Too bad Spad.neXt support couldn't point me in the right direction.
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