T-minus 2 weeks....


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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White Chocolate
...until I find myself flying. Anyone along this route for a bite to eat?
The only dates that are for sure - are none of them! But I will be staying overnight at places with internet access - with the exception of Scappoose - so I can post my updates as they happen.

N2212R said:
...until I find myself flying. Anyone along this route for a bite to eat?
The only dates that are for sure - are none of them! But I will be staying overnight at places with internet access - with the exception of Scappoose - so I can post my updates as they happen.

Hey Ed, Tom and I are looking forward to having you stay with us at Twin Oaks. Bring your appetite, cause Tom's a good cook. (I can heat up a pretty good TV dinner, right Chip?)
Are you doing this just for the enjoyment of flying a real cross country, or is something else going on?

Just asking, because I have a dream to do that too one day, but will probably never get to.
NickDBrennan said:
Are you doing this just for the enjoyment of flying a real cross country, or is something else going on?

Just asking, because I have a dream to do that too one day, but will probably never get to.

Enjoyment, hour building, sight seeing, state visiting. I haven't been to WA, ID, OR, NV, UT, NM, KS, CO, or OK before. This will take care of that. Plus I haven't taken a vacation in 4-1/2 years, so this is a long time coming.
Have a great trip! Will be looking forward to your journaling. Of course if you get blown WAY off course and end up in Grand Forks, give me a call.

N2212R said:
Enjoyment, hour building, sight seeing, state visiting. I haven't been to WA, ID, OR, NV, UT, NM, KS, CO, or OK before. This will take care of that. Plus I haven't taken a vacation in 4-1/2 years, so this is a long time coming.

It sounds like you have a well planned out and well deserved trip in your future. I hope you have a great time!

By the way I was looking at your flight bag. How in the heck did you get a ground speed of 414 knots in your plane??? Did you fly into a hurricane or what :hairraise::
Iceman said:
It sounds like you have a well planned out and well deserved trip in your future. I hope you have a great time!

By the way I was looking at your flight bag. How in the heck did you get a ground speed of 414 knots in your plane??? Did you fly into a hurricane or what :hairraise::

I have no idea - just really fast Cherokee. Probably due to the wings being in the right place. My guess is that at some point I cycled the GPS and it lost a signal, or the time, and calculated the GS based on the erroneous info.
N2212R said:
...until I find myself flying. Anyone along this route for a bite to eat?
The only dates that are for sure - are none of them! But I will be staying overnight at places with internet access - with the exception of Scappoose - so I can post my updates as they happen.
Looks like a great time. I would love to make it over to Twin Oaks from PTS when you are there if the weather is OK!! Still haven't landed on a grass strip, but i think i could manage. Looking forward to it if i can meet up with you.
Rudy said:
Looks like a great time. I would love to make it over to Twin Oaks from PTS when you are there if the weather is OK!! Still haven't landed on a grass strip, but i think i could manage. Looking forward to it if i can meet up with you.

Yes, lets see if we can get Chip in there in the Extra, and overrun that farm with low wings!
N2212R said:
Yes, lets see if we can get Chip in there in the Extra, and overrun that farm with low wings!
Haha! Yeah we will take it over!!
Rudy said:
Haha! Yeah we will take it over!!

You guys! Now I will have to invite lots of high-wingers in here at the same time just so I won't be outnumbered! ;)

We may need to have a cook-out if we're going to have a fly-in. :yes:
Diana said:
You guys! Now I will have to invite lots of high-wingers in here at the same time just so I won't be outnumbered! ;)

We may need to have a cook-out if we're going to have a fly-in. :yes:
Hey Diana, let me know cause i can bring anything you would need drinks,food, etc.
Palucca's sausage maybe?? ha
Rudy said:
Hey Diana, let me know cause i can bring anything you would need drinks,food, etc.
Palucca's sausage maybe?? ha
I LOVE Pallucca's sausage!!!!!!!! Especially grilled. :yes:
Diana said:
I LOVE Pallucca's sausage!!!!!!!! Especially grilled. :yes:
Ok deal!! If i come i will bring some of it.
As long as you're gonna be in UT, I would suggest visiting "Needles Outpost"--UT59. It's a dirt airstrip in Canyonlands N.P. It's not listed in AOPA's flight planner, but it's on Airnav.com. An absolutely awesome place, and not as touristy as other nat'l parks.
May 15 puts you in our neck of the woods (OLM). I'm free in the afternoon before you head down to SPB. OLM is just a slight detour coming from EAT to SPB, and you might not fly that straight anyway with some of the rocks that might get in your way (Mt. Rainier is 14,410 MSL and I'm sure you'll want to go around it, not over it).
It will be interesting to see how much fuel you burn and how much you spend on gas, What will be the most you pay per Gal and what will be the least.
I am running the 5/3rd bank run in GRR on Sat, will be flying into Sparta Friday night around 7:00.
The trip sounds like fun.
The Angola jump pilot 4941D
kobijo said:
It will be interesting to see how much fuel you burn and how much you spend on gas, What will be the most you pay per Gal and what will be the least.
I am running the 5/3rd bank run in GRR on Sat, will be flying into Sparta Friday night around 7:00.
The trip sounds like fun.
The Angola jump pilot 4941D

Don't worry, this whole trip will be documented. Hotels, cabs, fuel, good FBO, bad FBO. Looks like the highest price at this time is going to be Farmington or Minden. But we'll see. I may do a lot of "fill it to the tabs"
Went into your flightbag to see if you were IR. Good on ya for that, but here's to hoping you never need the rating and that you get to see the beautiful ground you'll be covering. Tailwinds my friend, there's at least one here who will be living vicariously through you.
Kyle Thornley said:
Went into your flightbag to see if you were IR. Good on ya for that, but here's to hoping you never need the rating and that you get to see the beautiful ground you'll be covering. Tailwinds my friend, there's at least one here who will be living vicariously through you.

Yeah, but my bird isn't KI, so it looks like this trip ain't gonna happen. Low pressure sitting over the northwest is never a good thing. If I can't go, I'll push it back a month, and stop at Gaston's on my way back.
N2212R said:
Yeah, but my bird isn't KI, so it looks like this trip ain't gonna happen. Low pressure sitting over the northwest is never a good thing. If I can't go, I'll push it back a month, and stop at Gaston's on my way back.

??? A no go? I hope not for as much time as you have put in planning this thing. Pushing it back a month sounds like a good idea and iceing should be much less of a problem at temps start to warm up.

Good luck either this week or a few weeks down the road...sounds like a really fun trip to me!

I can see why you are worried about the ice...this is at 12,000

N2212R said:
Yeah, but my bird isn't KI, so it looks like this trip ain't gonna happen. Low pressure sitting over the northwest is never a good thing. If I can't go, I'll push it back a month, and stop at Gaston's on my way back.

Nonsense, Ed Fred. This trip is a GO. If there's too much clag from the upper jet (e.g, hasn't moved up into Alberta yet) then make the crossing at Rock Springs, which will not require you to go beyone 12K. Do it VFR. VFR = no ice.

You could make the trip clockwise. Go out to the south, return at Rock Springs or over the Salmon River basin. This puts the return leg back to mid June, when the northern jet at 46 deg. N latitude would be, well, very unusual.

The beauty is, with VFR and two weeks, you can change you plans to fit. Man I wish I had two weeks.... :)

Iceman I can see why you are worried about the ice...this is at 12 said:
If he is VFR, why are you worried about ice at 12k? His whole route can be done at well below 10k'
bbchien said:
Nonsense, Ed Fred. This trip is a GO. If there's too much clag from the upper jet (e.g, hasn't moved up into Alberta yet) then make the crossing at Rock Springs, which will not require you to go beyone 12K. Do it VFR. VFR = no ice.

You could make the trip clockwise. Go out to the south, return at Rock Springs or over the Salmon River basin. This puts the return leg back to mid June, when the northern jet at 46 deg. N latitude would be, well, very unusual.

The beauty is, with VFR and two weeks, you can change you plans to fit. Man I wish I had two weeks.... :)


Looking at the forecast for Thursday (departure date) the great lakes may be socked in in with T storms. If I can find a gap to cross the front, I'll be ok I think.
bbchien said:
The beauty is, with VFR and two weeks, you can change you plans to fit. Man I wish I had two weeks.... :)


GO where and WHEN the weather allows you to.

A very good topical work refference is the weather maps at AOPA,

Rock Springs -D-> Burley Id. easiest crossing you can make, once in the Snake river water shed, its down river to Portland.
N2212R said:
Looking at the forecast for Thursday (departure date) the great lakes may be socked in in with T storms. If I can find a gap to cross the front, I'll be ok I think.

A day late getting started,, no biggy,, let the front pass, it'le be the first of several.

"Skud run, at least you'll be able to see where you'll crash"

My Dad, circa 1957. he heard it some where thought it was funny.
No freaking way. I might get a tailwind going WEST. Looks like the front will pass after all

N2212R said:
No freaking way. I might get a tailwind going WEST. Looks like the front will pass after all


Remember it only takesa thousand and three to be legal. Hit I-80, keep the trucks in sight. :)
NC19143 said:
Remember it only takesa thousand and three to be legal. Hit I-80, keep the trucks in sight. :)

I'l lbe further north. I-90 :)
Liberal, KS Eats

There is a Mexican restaurant in what was a drive-in burger joint, about 1/3 mile N of the interstate on the N-S main boulevard that doubles as hotel row. Ask the FBO and maybe they can remember the name. IIRC, their food is truly "to die for".
Re: Liberal, KS Eats

Ed Guthrie said:
There is a Mexican restaurant in what was a drive-in burger joint, about 1/3 mile N of the interstate on the N-S main boulevard that doubles as hotel row. Ask the FBO and maybe they can remember the name. IIRC, their food is truly "to die for".

Do I really want to chance eating Mexican food and then getting in a plane? :no: :yes: :dunno:
N2212R said:
I'l lbe further north. I-90 :)

US-2 looks clear, too. Only thing is, it is a little flat from Minnesota till you get to Glacier Park.

One Short said:
US-2 looks clear, too. Only thing is, it is a little flat from Minnesota till you get to Glacier Park.


Yeah, gonna be like driving the Seney stretch on M-28. :(