Suggest meteorology topic


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Aug 31, 2021
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It would be nice to have a thread/topic dedicated to meteorology discussions.
It would be nice to have a thread/topic dedicated to meteorology discussions.
Feel free to create a thread/topic on meteorology. You have the ability to do so anytime. :)
so, you opened a thread saying someone should open a thread? all while asking for suggestions on what the thread topic should be?
Pardon me, I meant a "Topic" not a thread.
Tks for the tip on rant/weather by the way. Definitely has it's place (I'm ranting!) but not the same as a technical discussion
Can anyone explain to me why the two models that the AeroWeather app uses for short & long term (LAMP vs MAV) can disagree so completely just 12 or 24 hours out? (bonus points for a good way to share images on this forum)