South Carolina Breakfast Club 1/8 @ KGMU, 8am


Final Approach
Apr 24, 2012
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Brian Flynn
Noticed this morning on my Social Flight email the South Carolina Breakfast club is at KGMU this month, this coming Saturday Sunday 1/8 at 8am.

I'm not calling it out as a meetup, just an event of interest
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A bit early for me to arrive that early. I would have to be off the ground before 5AM
Weather looks like crap, else I’d try to make it.
I'm out of town plane's in for annual

SCBC is always on sundays
Missed the 8am part. I'd need to be wheels up at 5am, so a pass for me. Having said that, Sunday's are a lot easier for me to schedule.
Having said that, Sunday's are a lot easier for me to schedule.

Sunday is why I can't attend these events. Perhaps they should do a few on Saturday ...