Shop Applied Corrosion X Treatment??


Feb 20, 2011
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WI Flyer
Just asking about a corrosion prevention idea. In the past I have sprayed Corrosion X into the wing when I had the tip off, and also back into the tail. I applied it best I could from the access point, fair coverage I would say.

I see there are maintenance centers that apply the stuff with nozzles similar to a pressurized bug sprayer. The cost seems about $300, depending.

Has anybody had this done? If one wants to do it would coverage be about the same with the owner opening some panels and spraying themselves?

Then there is the issue of 'attracting dust' or dirt after the preventative is applied?

Just thought it may be worthwhile, maybe just do as I have been, myself as able.
Is Wisconsin a high corrosion environment? I know it can get a bit humid there in the summers from the Lakes, but not like the Gulf Coast from my limited experience there. Are you parking outdoors or in an insulated hangar? How much weight does it add and thus reduce useful load? Just some things to consider.
I've had it done. I haven't noticed any "dust" inside the wing. It settles down and gets kind of waxy. If you have a light colored aircraft you will find it weeping from the seams at first. It took a bit of close inspection to notice it on my dark blue aircraft.

It was "fogged" in with a pressure sprayer. I think that's what Corrosion X recommends. I watched the guy do it. There's nothing magic about it. I could have done it myself.
If it's weeping from the seams at first, that could be bad as a lot of those little gaps are designed so moisture has a place to drain. Some corrosion inhibitors "dry" hard and some remain waxy. Some adhere dust more than others. When applying it there are parts that you want to not get it on, such as wiring and control cables. Do a lot of research.
Smells pretty good too.:)
Mine done during annual where inspection panels have already been removed, 1/2 hr labor plus 2 cans cost less than a $100
Yes, I watched the video on the Corrosion-X site. Of course in the video it shows a thorough application, whether the shop does it that well may be another story.

With some type of pressurized sprayer one could do about the same, then there is the spray can option. I was just wondering how many may have had it done.
So far most of one wing and the back half of the fuselage. I vacuumed 1st to try to get any loose debris picked up, mostly fuselage. One can of Corrosion X goes pretty far.

I left some doors and windows open, but expect some smell for awhile.
Factory seaplane FTW ;)

But for all means go for it.