Sac's Hack

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
Display Name

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Snorting his way across the USA
I pulled the links off for now. I might post the author page back up at some point in the future.
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I downloaded the first one.
I don't have a kindle buy my kids each have one.

I sent it to my son's. I will check it out when his "tablet time" is up for the day.
I'll give a thumbs up for Gauthier's List. I'll try your new one after I finish the book I am on.
Don't knock the lettuce wrap thing until you try it. Tuna and grated cheese is a little hard to deal with, but it can be made to work. Egg salad isn't bad.

Who publishes this? Or do you just send it to Amazon?

I'm doing it directly through Amazon (Kindle Direct Publishing.) You can associate with an outside publisher if you have one.
I'm doing it directly through Amazon (Kindle Direct Publishing.) You can associate with an outside publisher if you have one.

Please forgive my ignorance. Can anyone just contact Amazon and give them a book?
Considering the title of this thread, I'm very happy nobody here has the moniker of "Hack".
You've hit upon what I was glad that we didn't have to see...

Out of good fortune, I don't appear to have any photos to use as the base for a cover of the book.

Oh by the way, I did the cover art myself too. The picture in the first cover is of a restaurant in Can Tho, Vietnam, one of those over-water deals where you walk a bridge to a series of covered platform eating areas (it was a business meeting with officials, basically an all afternoon eating and drinking session.) The picture was taken from the booth, looking at another booth. The overlay on the bottom is a Vietnam war era map of the Cambodian region depicted in the book.

The second cover was taken in the Marin Headlands, at "Hilltop 88" which is an abandoned Nike missile radar site that overlooks San Francisco. I chose it for its semblance to NOLF San Nicholas Island, which is depicted in that book.
I have to wait for the print version.
I have to wait for the print version.

Maybe if I get a real publisher at some point, right now that isn't cost effective. Plus, print versions of commercial fiction are on the way out. Not real soon, but soon enough to reconsider print distribution.
Maybe if I get a real publisher at some point, right now that isn't cost effective. Plus, print versions of commercial fiction are on the way out. Not real soon, but soon enough to reconsider print distribution.
Laser printer at work? :)
Just finished The Vine Fraternity, not bad! The M/m sex seemed a bit gratuitous, but all in all a good read!

Have you read any Barry Eisler's John Rain series?
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Just finished The Vine Fraternity, not bad! The M/m sex seemed a bit gratuitous, but all in all a good read!

Have you read any Barry Eisler's John Rain series?

Thanks! Amazon reviews would be most appreciated! I will check out that series.
Also, as an update, Gauthier's List is now in the KDP select program, so it's free to Prime and Kindle Unlimited members.
Do you get anything when a prime member gets the freebie, Sac? Just curious how it works.
  • How do you rate "The Man with Three Selves"?
Do you get anything when a prime member gets the freebie, Sac? Just curious how it works.

Yes, I do. I don't get royalties for a book download, but I earn money for pages read (yes Kindle tracks that for the program.) So if someone was to either download a free one through Prime/Unlimited and read it, or loan a copy to someone else and they read it, I make money. Not a lot, but the commission for a fully read book is roughly the same as the royalty on a three dollar book. So it's not a bad deal.

Frankly I'm not making money at this. So far I'm not even breaking even on the ad money I spend generating sales, right now I'm just trying to get some sales stats and some copies out there, and reviews. But it's fun. It's like a hobby I guess.
  • How do you rate "The Man with Three Selves"?

Honestly I wouldn't rate it that high. I'd probably give it a couple stars. Maybe three. Same as Gatekeepers. I'm not really pushing them. They were my first two efforts. I'm fairly happy with both Gauthier's List and The Vine Fraternity.
Cool. I'll get it downloaded but it may be a bit before I can read it. Schedule is busy right at the moment.
I fly a Turbo Arrow, I remember you from the Piper Forum, just downloaded Gauthier's List, I give you a solid 4 stars on Vine Fraternity.