RV-7A completed youtube build log


Final Approach
Apr 24, 2012
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Brian Flynn
I'm looking for a 7A or 9A complete build vlog on youtube and having trouble finding one. Any suggestions?

Ideally, many episodes, say 20 minutes per episode, someone who has finished the build, and built a 7A or 9A. This is for my entertainment and education, so longer and more episodes are better. Also, it will keep me from watching something mindless on Netflix.

I've been watching Kitplane Enthusiast build a Zenith 750 Superduty. He presents well, but I'm back to the split between the two planes - ease of build vs flight performance. If anyone comes up with a kit that builds like a Zenith and performs like a Vans, they'll make millions. Or with this being aviation, hundreds.
This guy built a Pietenpol and is in the process of building a 7 and is pretty far along but it's not flying yet. I watched his Piet videos and found them informative and entertaining so expect his RV-7 videos would be as well. Karetaker Aero - YouTube
Coming up on 20 years since first flight of the RV-7A dad and I built, so a little pre-YouTube. Wish we had videoed more of the process beyond the obligatory sitting in the 'canoe' and making airplane noises. :)
If you are debating between.a zenith 750 and a vans RV-7 you need to better define your mission as the capabilities between the two are drastic. I'm not sure youtube build videos would factor into the decision. Completion of either kit is going to be more about how often you are able to work on the build and less about how each one goes together. Examples of each can be found with people taking 1 year from start to finish to people taking decades and never finishing. Having built a sonex from plans only I can say that they key is to work on something every day even if it's only for a few minutes.
Sling is attempting the easy build/goes fast project. The RV-14 is supposed to have eliminated a lot of the tedious work and just left banging rivets, especially if you do QB wings and fuse.
I'm looking for a 7A or 9A complete build vlog on youtube and having trouble finding one. Any suggestions?

Ideally, many episodes, say 20 minutes per episode, someone who has finished the build, and built a 7A or 9A. This is for my entertainment and education, so longer and more episodes are better. Also, it will keep me from watching something mindless on Netflix.

I've been watching Kitplane Enthusiast build a Zenith 750 Superduty. He presents well, but I'm back to the split between the two planes - ease of build vs flight performance. If anyone comes up with a kit that builds like a Zenith and performs like a Vans, they'll make millions. Or with this being aviation, hundreds.
I thought that was the rv12.
The 14 and the 10, like the 12, now have final sized rivet holes from the factory. That means almost no final drilling or deburring is required—just dimple, if required, and rivet.
If you haven't seen this, and have the time (or interest), it puts a little perspective on some of the work for the tanks. (not quick build).

For nerdy entertainment purposes, I enjoyed Mike Patey's Scrappy build.
If you are debating between.a zenith 750 and a vans RV-7 you need to better define your mission as the capabilities between the two are drastic.

The mission is to build fast and fly fast. I don't want to spend 5 years building but I don't want to go 100 mph once I do.

Sport has an advantage, goes slow. An RV goes fast, builds slow. I go back and forth on which one I like.
The mission is to build fast and fly fast. I don't want to spend 5 years building but I don't want to go 100 mph once I do.

Sport has an advantage, goes slow. An RV goes fast, builds slow. I go back and forth on which one I like.

The 12 builds fast and goes slow. Factory punched final sized rivet holes and mostly pulled rivets.
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If you are debating between.a zenith 750 and a vans RV-7 you need to better define your mission as the capabilities between the two are drastic. I'm not sure youtube build videos would factor into the decision. Completion of either kit is going to be more about how often you are able to work on the build and less about how each one goes together. Examples of each can be found with people taking 1 year from start to finish to people taking decades and never finishing. Having built a sonex from plans only I can say that they key is to work on something every day even if it's only for a few minutes.

^^ This is the key to your 'build fast' comment. The RV-7A slow-build kit can be built by first-time builders in under two years by being disciplined enough to spend 10-15 minutes on it when you have free time (in addition to the long weekend build sessions). I believe it was 2.5 years for the -7A that my dad and I build while I was in college - and we waited for parts roughly 6 months throughout the process. Dad would work on small components throughout the week and I would come home on weekends to make those small components into larger components. This is why I think being able to build at home is so valuable - it lets you spend a few minutes here and there, which adds up quickly!
A 14 is a faster build than a 7. However based upon your comments I think your best option would be to buy something already flying.
Has the OP considered a Zenith CH 650? It’s a low-wing and while still not comparable with an RV in airspeed (perhaps it comes close to matching the -12), it’s the fastest aircraft Zenith offers; considerably faster than a 750. Some with the larger engines are said to true out at over 120 kts at altitude.
There is a good 8 video but haven’t seen a 7.
