Probation For Shooting At Airplane


Oct 10, 2012
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from Avweb:

An Alabama man has been placed on probation for a year and may have to take anger management lessons after he admitted shooting at a neighbor's biplane as it was about to land on the neighbor's home strip last June. Jason Allen McCay, 36, of Hayden, Ala., admitted to investigators that he fired at the Stearman "to scare the people on board it." At his sentencing hearing last week, the unidentified judge questioned the sincerity of McCay's apology over the incident but nevertheless agreed with his lawyer that jail time wasn't necessary. It will be up to his probation officer whether he has to take anger management or cognitive therapy sessions to curb his impulsive behavior.

Meanwhile there is probably a person in Alabama serving a 30 year sentence for having a marijuana cigarette :dunno:
I've heard of a couple of similar situations. I say aircraft should be allowed to shoot back :thumbsup:
I wonder what would happen if you went out and shot at the neighbors car when they were pulling into the driveway to scare the people in the car?
I'd go with aggravated assault, then let the courts do what they do....plea bargain. Probably down to reckless conduct. I've seen several subjects walk with the waaaay lesser included charge.
Ah well , here in the South people shoot at other people all the time. It's like saying hello when we miss. If someone gets a flesh wound , he also gets bragging rights. If he gets shot dead there will be a funeral , everyone will show up and bring fried chicken and green beans and biscuits and gravy.
Probably down to reckless conduct.

How can deliberately shooting at someone be reckless conduct? It's nothing short of attempted murder.
Don't shoot at their dog! If his dog had been the passenger he would have gotten at least two days in jail.
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How can deliberately shooting at someone be reckless conduct? It's nothing short of attempted murder.

I agree...that's the plea bargain system for ya! Like I said I'd go with agg assault all day (which is probably attempted murder in your state) same thing, just said differently state to state.
What the judge meant to say 'was dammit you missed another rich one'
Trying to find any information online just indicates how bad journalism. The guy claimed he wasn't shooting at the aircraft but at the ground, supposedly. Of course, the article also described the pump-action shotgun as "semiautomatic."
I had a man tell me he was going to shoot me down. Problem was it was not me he was seeing but someone in a cropduster buzzing over homes at 300-500 feet doing 100+ MPH.

I tried to explain I fly a little airplane that goes at most 60 " at the time I was flying my first Avenger that did between 45-60mph and I fly at 1000'.

He said no plane flies that slow and the next time the gun was coming out and I was not 1000' but 300. Again I said that is a cropduster. He said..Thats no cropduster...

Joe public is...STUPID...
How this came about I saw an old friend one day at the store. i told him I took up flying and purchased a yellow low wing airplane. I then told him where I fly. This man was listening in on this conversation when he approached me and said this with a finger stuck in my chest.

I did everything in my power to try and make that man understand that was not me. He wanted to hear nothing of it. He said next time I am shooting at you. I walked away saying....Its not me you will be shooting at....He called me all sorts of cuss words, none I will repete here.
I wonder what would happen if you went out and shot at the neighbors car when they were pulling into the driveway to scare the people in the car?

This one dumbass I went to school with propped up off one of the local farm roads with a rifle and tried to shoot peoples tires out because it would be fun. Turns out his aim is about as good as he is smart, and he shot some dude in the head. Somehow, the guy survived. The dumbass kid got a slap on the wrist I think 6 months in the pokey, and 1 year probation.
How this came about I saw an old friend one day at the store. i told him I took up flying and purchased a yellow low wing airplane. I then told him where I fly. This man was listening in on this conversation when he approached me and said this with a finger stuck in my chest.

I did everything in my power to try and make that man understand that was not me. He wanted to hear nothing of it. He said next time I am shooting at you. I walked away saying....Its not me you will be shooting at....He called me all sorts of cuss words, none I will repete here.

You have a witness, file a complaint that he has threatened to shoot you. Let him deal with the police.

I'd also find that crop duster and let him in on it.