Popping noise Sigtronics SPA400 Intercom


Aug 23, 2018
Bryan, Texas
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Several flights ago I began getting occasional popping sounds from my intercom. Last flight there were constant popping noises that blocks conversation between headsets. I had to turn off the intercom, and the radio transmissions were fine.

I tried it several times throughout a one hour flight and couldn’t find a pattern. Sometimes the intercom worked properly then the popping would return. Engine power settings didn’t seem to affect the issue, nor did different volume/squelch settings. Low volume setting did reduce the sound. I also wiggled the wires that attach to the circuit breaker.

Any ideas? I’m planning to call Sig when they open later today. I wonder if it is a failing unit or just a ground issue.IMG_2469.jpeg
That white wire looks loose?

I had a few issues that I thought needed repair but turned out to be a loose wire, sometimes they have a part that sticks out but it somehow vibrated out, I used a small screw driver, pushed out the clip and pushed the wire back in so it snapped in and shouldn’t vibrate out.
That white wire looks loose?

I had a few issues that I thought needed repair but turned out to be a loose wire, sometimes they have a part that sticks out but it somehow vibrated out, I used a small screw driver, pushed out the clip and pushed the wire back in so it snapped in and shouldn’t vibrate out.

yea, pushing the wire back in fixed her up nicely. Test flew the old gal this am, no pops!
yea, pushing the wire back in fixed her up nicely. Test flew the old gal this am, no pops!
If it pops out again, take the wire out completely and there should be a male part on the side that you can screw driver out / bend out, so when pushed in it locks.