Please delete. Problem solved


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Nevermind. I installed Flashplayer and it seems to work now. Sorry!
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I can always count on you guys.
I can see a million Mac march on Washington coming soon. :rofl:

nah, a video showing a million Mac march on Washington, created with a Mac (or better, created with an iPhone or iPad).
Only on POA can a meaningless thread not die! :D

I am tempted to change the title to PC vs. MAC. :devil:

"Please delete problem solved" constitutes an OPEN INVITATION for thread abuse!
No. No Johnson is going in the Sac Arrow mouth. Or any part of the Sac Arrow.

Jerk chicken.
Burritos. Now.


  • uploadfromtaptalk1350232175906.jpg
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Wow! I finally found a thread that's more trivial than my cappuccino one!

Not that I would ever eat it, but, in light of the thread direction....

Captain Crunch

Thanks for that site!

I have an unmoderated soapbox site that has a link to "less-offensive" sites for the easily offended. It pulls one up randomly from a database of unobjectionable, mainly insipid sites, to which I just added that one.

Corn tortillas. And funky websites.