Pilot goes DAD on air-dropping passengers


Pre-takeoff checklist
May 31, 2021
Paisley, Florida
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I had never heard of "air-dropping" until I chanced upon this story on the ol' Interweb:


It makes me want to run out and buy an airline ticket to anywhere, just so I could enjoy the "New Normal" of the airline passenger experience. Fights, verbal altercations between passengers or between passengers and cabin crew, crazed, anti-social passengers, and the list goes on. Adventure, drama, casual violence, nudity, nude photos, outright rudeness! Why live life vicariously when it's all for real on your freaky fright flight?

I'm takin' the train.

P.S. I hate the term "New Normal", but it seemed to fit in this case.
Why can’t the same caliber of journalists who wrote this article cover GA mishaps?

1. You HAVE to accept a air drop. So….
2. WEAK captain. Who the hell threatens?
3. Capt Grog, ya! Airline management has been begging morons to go flying for free, for YEARS! They are FINALLY achieving their goal! Bravo!!!
I had never heard of "air-dropping" until I chanced upon this story on the ol' Interweb:


It makes me want to run out and buy an airline ticket to anywhere, just so I could enjoy the "New Normal" of the airline passenger experience. Fights, verbal altercations between passengers or between passengers and cabin crew, crazed, anti-social passengers, and the list goes on. Adventure, drama, casual violence, nudity, nude photos, outright rudeness! Why live life vicariously when it's all for real on your freaky fright flight?

I'm takin' the train.

P.S. I hate the term "New Normal", but it seemed to fit in this case.
Sheesh. What's the big deal. The plane was goin' to Cabo. Cabo. People goin' to Cabo have certain things on their mind. Maybe the captain thought things might escalate. The article just says Mexico, but it was going to Cabo. https://travel.nine.com.au/latest/c...e-mexico/c89bfc0e-bf56-4fee-9b75-089d2ca967c1
I had no idea this was even a thing, but it seems like this feature should be turned off by default, not turned on by default.
I’d consider turning it on if hot chicks ever sent gratuitous indecent selfies… but you know for sure it’s not gonna be that.
I've heard of professors air dropping stuff to students during lectures as well

Why can’t the same caliber of journalists who wrote this article cover GA mishaps?
Gizmodo is okay on the reporting front, they appeal to a different crowd than your typical CNN / NBC / etc. If you are looking for good reporting I recommend checking out TheDrive. They have a subsection TheWarZone that has very high quality reporting. No agenda, just good detailed reporting


as the name implies it's car focused, but the writing is good and they have tech sections. Gizmodo (the same people who ran Jalopnik / Gawker (yes, that one) / etc) has lost a bunch of writers as their focus and general writing style began a shift in one direction. But Jalopnik / Gizmodo / and Kotaku are still decent for cars / tech / games in respective order. Stay off of Jezebel...

You'll be surprised to know that Gawker media became Gizmodo media
By default, Airdrop will accept files only from those in your contacts list. https://support.apple.com/guide/security/airdrop-security-sec2261183f4/web. It can also be turned off entirely.

Yes, it's trivial to set it to accept all files from anyone, but if you are getting unsolicited files airdropped to your device by strangers, it is because at some point you went into your settings and told Airdrop to allow it. That should be a strong reminder to change the settings back to a more restrictive level.
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  • I've not heard of this, or ever used it.
  • Good for "If you don't stop this, I'm turning the plane around".
  • First pass- Air Dropping was related to skydiving, fish bombing, or leaving an airplane with out a parachute because of a damaged right main gear.
I can't accept the level of feigned indignation that permeates our society. If you don't like the picture, delete it. Don't take to the fainting couch because your retinas were scarred by someone's genitalia.
Some of that indignation is NOT feigned. Some of us work to protect our kids from this idiocy and even if the kid doesn’t have a phone, they could be exposed to it on the phone of the person sitting next door. There’s plenty of data that porn does damage people in various ways.
So "a passenger received one of the nudes and complained to a flight attendant" because that's what a normal adult is supposed to do instead of just deleting the pic and turning airdrop off. Is this where we are now? Apart from the fact that it was happening in a plane, the accident had nothing to do with the flight, and I would be hardly pressed to believe that it was a safety issue, excepts for the morons pestering the flight attendants. And don't get me started on a Captain sharing the indignation (did he receive a pic on his phone too?) and taking the decision to cancel the flight rather than telling people to turn their phones off, if he had to act. We really live in interesting times.
I thought about getting into this but apparently I would have to buy a pretty powerful macro lens for my phone.
Yet another world-changing innovation from Apple.

I think I'll stay with Android.....

Android has had it longer than Apple, they just don't call it "AirDrop". NearbyShare is usually the name for it on Android devices, and is always off by default. Same for NFC.
I can't accept the level of feigned indignation that permeates our society. If you don't like the picture, delete it. Don't take to the fainting couch because your retinas were scarred by someone's genitalia.

I don't see reason for most adults to get bent out of shape about this, but neither will I presume to apply my standards to those adults who are offended.

I very much understand the indignation of adults traveling with young(ish) children who have a phone and receive such photos. The idiot blasting d@ck pics is just as likely to land them on the phone belonging to the 4th grader in 8C as the hottie seated in 4A.
Likewise, I don't understand why "youngish children" like the 4th grader in 8C need to have a smartphone.
Likewise, I don't understand why "youngish children" like the 4th grader in 8C need to have a smartphone.

It's not just that the kids whine about having a phone until their parents give in...parents really want to be able to contact their kids in an emergency, and they want their kids to be able to call for help in an emergency. They also like having the tracker dot enabled so they can see where their kid is, should there be any question about whereabouts. I get that. I didn't before I had kids.

That doesn't absolve the parents from locking down the phone in an age-appropriate way, and monitoring how it is being used...but that's not trivial. The kids are very often more tech savvy than the parents.
I don't see reason for most adults to get bent out of shape about this, but neither will I presume to apply my standards to those adults who are offended.

I very much understand the indignation of adults traveling with young(ish) children who have a phone and receive such photos. The idiot blasting d@ck pics is just as likely to land them on the phone belonging to the 4th grader in 8C as the hottie seated in 4A.
And the parents are just as responsible as the person sending…
The only thing that could make this story better would be if Mr. Dickpic got himself charged with distributing porn to a minor if it ended up on a 15 year old's phone.
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Keep in kind that sometimes kids get put into seats away from their parents and next to complete strangers.
Likewise, I don't understand why "youngish children" like the 4th grader in 8C need to have a smartphone.
My 6yr old daughter plays a lot of educational games on her tablet. She didn't get to use it a ton, but I'd definitely give it to her for a trip on an airliner. We keep it locked down from everything, but one accidental swipe from her could enable airdrop pretty easily. It isn't just cellular devices.
Likewise, I don't understand why "youngish children" like the 4th grader in 8C need to have a smartphone.

Do you have to understand? It doesn’t evem have to be a minor that receives the image. This is just a tech-based medium for flashing (indecent public exposure). Is that acceptable passenger behavior?
If I can make it go away by pressing a key, it's not something I'm going to get all upset about.
It is not something that I am going to get all bent out of shape about. I've already seen it all, and depending on what it is, I might even have one of my own.
I can't accept the level of feigned indignation that permeates our society. If you don't like the picture, delete it. Don't take to the fainting couch because your retinas were scarred by someone's genitalia.
So would you be cool with a creep sitting naked on a bench at the bus stop? If you don't like it, just look away.
And don't get me started on a Captain sharing the indignation (did he receive a pic on his phone too?) and taking the decision to cancel the flight rather than telling people to turn their phones off, if he had to act.
Did you read the article? Because that's what he just told them to stop.
So would you be cool with a creep sitting naked on a bench at the bus stop? If you don't like it, just look away.

Why should good people have to look away? :dunno:

Much better to give the pervert a bit of comeuppance so they learn how to behave themselves in public ... :rockon:
So you think public exposure is acceptable behavior?
It’s not public exposure. The recipient has to willfully accept the file or intentionally set their device to always accept files from strangers.

It’s the electronic equivalent of a stranger walking up to you and saying “hey I’ve got some Polaroids I took in my coat pocket. You want some?”

If you say sure and stick out your hand… hard for me to consider you a victim.
It’s not public exposure. The recipient has to willfully accept the file or intentionally set their device to always accept files from strangers.

It’s the electronic equivalent of a stranger walking up to you and saying “hey I’ve got some Polaroids I took in my coat pocket. You want some?”

If you say sure and stick out your hand… hard for me to consider you a victim.

No, it’s more like your own pocket isn’t buttoned shut, and the stranger walks up and shoves porn pics into it.
No, it’s more like your own pocket isn’t buttoned shut, and the stranger walks up and shoves porn pics into it.

But you had to open your pocket first. Accepting pics/files from random people is not default behavior for the phone, regardless of whether it's Apple or Android.
No, it’s more like your own pocket isn’t buttoned shut, and the stranger walks up and shoves porn pics into it.

Only if if you intentionally change your default settings to allow a stranger to stuff it into your pocket.

To build on that, when you change your phone settings to allow anyone to send you pics, it's not just that you've allowed others to stuff things in your pocket. Your phone is broadcasting a sign to everyone in the area that you're willing to accept pics. They pull up airdrop on their phones and your phone responds with, 'hey there, I'll take a copy".