Our Members’ YouTube Sites

455 Bravo Uniform

Final Approach
Aug 18, 2015
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455 Bravo Uniform
It might be cool to have a thread where all of our “famous” POA members link their aviation YouTube channels. Maybe here? And then “sticky” it?
Not really ‘famous’ on here but I have www.YouTube.com/fly4fun

Airline ops specific mostly. My GA flying hasn’t made an appearance on there other than some paragliding. I sure like ALL aviation.
'cause we all know they don't continuously advertise themselves, right?

How about... stick it in the classifieds?
Not famous, was a member here before starting the channel, now rarely post my videos here as it seems to bother some. :) I try to post a new video every Friday. Sometimes on Tuesday as well if I get caught up on editing. I of course am bias but think general aviation channels are helping bring new people on board. Not a week goes by that I don’t get multiple messages from people saying they’ve started training from watching and realizing it is possible.

No YT presence. But Ryan at Level1 usually says what I’m thinking in their tech news coverage.

Uncanny how many times I’ve predicted what his sarcastic butt will say, because it’s true.


Fun way to keep up on the ongoing disaster of tech.

He likes his cats though, and I don’t ever want another one in the house. He also gave up caffeine which is blasphemy.

Kentucky tech nerds who usually beat most other tech news prognosticators to the punch by weeks ... and make you laugh out loud at it.
Good stuff guys.

Some I didn’t know had channels, others I didn’t know put up videos if it wasn’t also posted here (guess I should subscribe).

I always learn something watching.

Some of you put me to sleep. That’s a compliment, as I save the best vids for last as I take you to bed to end my long busy days.
My crappy channel - I don't know how you convince YouTube to get a shorter link, probably when you get to the monetization level (which I'm not). Mostly videos on the Cobra and the recent motorcycle series. Might do some on the RV.

I am very new in this forum and, by forum rules, I do not have credits to link my youtube channel yet.
Please help me in doing the necessary 5 posts to be allowed to add links....
I am from Italy, I have an youtube channel where I post my flight videos. As soon as I get credited to link it you will have the opportunity to see some very cool places to visit here in Italy
I have stopped sharing my stuff completely but I still make videos. I put one up every other week.


Love the vids, but dude, where the hell do you find the time???

I've just begun noodling with GoPros and Luma Fusion, and damn, it takes a while to edit a decent looking vid.
Love the vids, but dude, where the hell do you find the time???
I've just begun noodling with GoPros and Luma Fusion, and damn, it takes a while to edit a decent looking vid.

It's does take a lot of time. W/ Premier, I can do multicam editing where I put 5 tracks in a timeline and as it plays, I click the track I want and it does the cuts in real time which speeds things up. For flying videos, that is key to speeding up editing big time.

For my stuff, I build Scenes and film each as a little mini movie and then I cut them together (Eating the elephant one byte at a time)
I guess to a lot of people it is a time suck but I really enjoy it. I like building a story and of course writing jokes. Its like any other hobby to me.
It's does take a lot of time. W/ Premier, I can do multicam editing where I put 5 tracks in a timeline and as it plays, I click the track I want and it does the cuts in real time which speeds things up. For flying videos, that is key to speeding up editing big time.

I'm learning Luma Fusion on the iPad Pro, and am still learning how to use all the multi-track stuff. Layering video over video, title over that, fade in/out, and then also either using the audio from the cam, or overlaying other audio. It's daunting at first lol.

I guess to a lot of people it is a time suck but I really enjoy it. I like building a story and of course writing jokes. Its like any other hobby to me.

I'm enjoying learning it as well, I kinda find it fascinating, but man, it eats time quickly. I have three video ideas in my head, have all of the gopro vids and stills shot, just need to find time to work the projects.

I hate when work keeps me from doing all the hobbies I really want to do. Grrr.