OK, this is WEIRD!

I do that with my airplane.
From the looks of her I'd say no one else is interested anyway. Reminds me of Pugsley Addams.
A face only a mother could love.........and maybe an amusement park ride.:dunno:

This is why you don't marry your sibling.:loco:
Hey...it is "all good" right?
I wonder how she'd react to that ride being demolished.
Y'all get a lot of that in KS? ;)

Hey, my aunt/uncle...mom/dad love each other!!! And I love my sister!;):D

No, but the gene's around here.............they are wranglers, cowboy cut.:dunno::D:rolleyes2:

At least we wear our hats straight and our pants are pulled up, in my house anyway.:yes::thumbsup:
And who would be the "dependent" in that marriage?
Any Boston Legal fans out there? Jerry Espenson's client Leigh Swift. iPod. Nuff said.
Ooookayy... :loco:

Her obsession reminds me a little of how people often feel about airplanes, but folks who hang around the airport to avoid their spouses know better than to ruin their relationship with their airplane by getting married to it... :D
That's nothing, I know plenty of women (and a few men) that married bank accounts.

Exhibit A for thread ignore button.
:yikes:Alrighty then! Just when you thought you heard it all..

Spike, where do you find this stuff?:rofl:

I suppose truth is stranger then fiction.....:yes: