Off topic a bit


Aug 16, 2015
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Hello all
Looking for a dash cam, front and rear, that does NOT require use of a phone app, and allows disabling GPS location and vehicle speed recording. There are a zillion out there - maybe one you folks have a good experience?
I have a Thinkware F200 that I can take the SD card out of it and put it into a computer. I can use a phone app, but I don't have to. GPS/Speed is an optional plug in so if you don't buy the antenna, no speed or location.
Following. I have been looking for one but admittedly overwhelmed on what to get.
So this is what the dashcam video looks like from the one I've got:

It's unlisted so you'll have to watch it on the tube instead of embedded on here.
Weird, errors out for me, just get the youtube spinny circle.

I think the permissions (visibility) and embedding are two separate settings. not sure how the combination of settings impacts viewing here but they are independent.
Yep, viewed it here. Get prepared for a RIAA takedown you scalliwag.
Yep, viewed it here. Get prepared for a RIAA takedown you scalliwag.

It was copyright claimed and allowed to be used upon upload. All that happens is if it get viewed enough that I would get money, they get it.